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Facebook Notifications

Facebook Notifications

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1 трав. 2018, 19:2101.05.18

Facebook Notifications

My Facebook notifications are not working. I checked in game, and notifications are turned on. I checked Facebook Settings and it shows Soldier Inc. notifications turned on. The audible signal also turned on. It worked at one time and then just quit.  Please advise.
DeletedTechnical Support
2 трав. 2018, 09:2102.05.18

Hello, Commander!

Please provide us with the more detailed information about the issue. Here is an instruction how to report bugs.

2 трав. 2018, 11:5802.05.18

Thank you for assistance, here's details.......

The platform you play on ;  Facebook

The server where you play ; It says Badlands on my interface. I assume that's where I'm at.

The feature that causes the issue ; notifications.

The exact steps you performed before the bug arose; No steps, it simply quit working.

Any special conditions that caused the bug to appear (active events, applied bonuses, etc.); None I'm aware of.

What should have happened; Typically I would get a notification on Facebook that an action has happened in game. Without actually being logged onto the game.

What actually happened......I get no notification now.

2 трав. 2018, 16:2702.05.18
Update: I don't think this is a Soldiers, Inc. problem. I noticed I'm not getting notifications for other games now. Checked my Facebook settings and confirmed turned on for notifications. I generated a Facebook support ticket. So disregard, thanks.
AndriiTechnical Support
3 трав. 2018, 11:5603.05.18

Thank you for the update. Please let us also know about the reply of Facebook Support Team. It may be helpful if we get more such issues.This is the first such case so far.