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failure to upgrade HQ after down grading another Combines HQ

failure to upgrade HQ after down grading another Combines HQ

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2 квіт. 2018, 04:5702.04.18

failure to upgrade HQ after down grading another Combines HQ

hello, I downgraded an HQ today and did not get to upgrade my HQ to the next level. we were level 12, I downgraded a level 11, but not aloud to upgrade to level 13
2 квіт. 2018, 05:1702.04.18

Leathernecks said:

hello, I downgraded an HQ today and did not get to upgrade my HQ to the next level. we were level 12, I downgraded a level 11, but not aloud to upgrade to level 13


DeletedTechnical Support
2 квіт. 2018, 09:4202.04.18
2 квіт. 2018, 09:43(відредаговано)

Hello, Commander!

Please make sure the upgrade of your HQ to level 12 had been completed before your downgrade. If the upgrade had been still in progress, your downgrade won't have been counted. 

Also, please speceify the coordinates of your HQ.
DeletedTechnical Support
3 квіт. 2018, 13:1303.04.18

Leathernecks said:


HQ had been at lvl 12 for a week

I have checked the logs. 

6 minutes before you downgraded the HQ, your Combine HQ had also been downgraded to level 11. Later it has been upgraded to level 12. Then you had to complete the upgrade requirements again. 

28 січ. 2019, 00:0028.01.19

good evening. I knocked down a level 9 HQ, mine is at level 10 for a month but does not make me go to level 11 as hoped. I do not recognize the killing performed. it all happened to the Badlands game server. follows battle report and confirmation of our HQ that does not recognize the battle performed. sure to have an answer send them greetings. http://prntscr.com/md0c48   http://prntscr.com/md0cji

Agent HelgaTechnical Support
28 січ. 2019, 15:1428.01.19


There is an error, appeared after the previous update. Our developers are working on fixing it. Should be fixed very soon!

28 січ. 2019, 16:0228.01.19

Thanks for the answer, I hope you solve the problem as soon as possible, so you can proceed with the development of the ally's HQ where I am part of it. good work to all of you. simo

28 січ. 2019, 18:0028.01.19

hello everybody, I downgraded an HQ on 25/01/2019 at  h 7.17 pm and didn't get to upgrade my HQ to the next level. we were level 15, I downgraded a level 15,please, would you kindly check the reason? my coordinates 1110 ; -1390  thanks for everything

30 січ. 2019, 23:2030.01.19

good evening. on 28/01/2019 we have degraded a level 9 HQ and we could not go on with our HQ. The fact I had already reported in this channel and is in previous messages. After 3 days we still can not go on with our HQ. we want to proceed as soon as possible so as not to lose positions in the classification. I hope you have a good job for the whole team. https://prnt.sc/md0c48   http://prntscr.com/mehl2x

Agent HelgaTechnical Support
31 січ. 2019, 18:1731.01.19


I am glad to inform you that the error has been successfully fixed. 

Please check the requirements. If the downgrade was not counted due to a bug, this requirement should be marked as completed already.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this situation caused.

31 січ. 2019, 19:1531.01.19

good evening. the strengthening of our HQ does not go, it does not recognize the abatement of the level 9 mentioned above and documented. good job to you all    http://prntscr.com/mewlwy

1 лют. 2019, 15:5501.02.19
1 лют. 2019, 15:57(відредаговано)
Ours works, we were able to make to next level already, so it looks to be fixed for T. D. now, Thanks!
1 лют. 2019, 16:4001.02.19

good evening. We can also proceed with the upgrading of our HQ. thanks for solving the problem. good work to all of you. simone

4 лют. 2019, 07:1504.02.19

 the downgrade was counted. thanks Helga  

Agent HelgaTechnical Support
13 лют. 2019, 19:3213.02.19
13 лют. 2019, 19:33(відредаговано)

INCUBO said:

good evening. the strengthening of our HQ does not go, it does not recognize the abatement of the level 9 mentioned above and documented. good job to you all    http://prntscr.com/mewlwy


It means that the downgrade you did was not supposed to be counted at all. Your HQ must have lost a level before you downgraded the enemy one.