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Tips for Beginners

Tips for Beginners

Remember the days when you thought Demon Lord would live forever, and those spiderlings would never stop spawning? Those days when you were a young Raider with no experience but with a strong desire to conquer the World of Teleria. Those days are far behind - you're wiser, stronger, and unafraid of challenges. 

The time has come to share your wisdom with other players - those who have just stepped on the path of war against the dark forces of Siroth.

We invite you to participate in our challenge: its aim is to collect tips for beginners. In the comments below, write a few tips that, in your opinion, might be helpful for new warriors. We'll add the best and most relevant ones to the beginner guide, which will be posted on our official Forum and our Raid Page on Facebook. 

5 chosen contributors, who leave the best lists of tips in the comments section of this post, will get 1000 Gems as a token of appreciation for their hard work. 

The main selection criteria for receiving the prize are:

- the total number of submitted tips (not a decisive factor);

- their quality, uniqueness, and originality of the submitted advice.

The contest will last until August 15, so don't miss your chance to participate! Good luck to you all!

9 серп. 2022, 12:1409.08.22
9 серп. 2022, 12:3809.08.22

Take advantage of special events and tournaments. There's always something going on that gives discounts or extra awards so plan to use your resources when they're running. Save your shards for a Champion Chase event, save silver for an Artifact Enhancement event, and try to double your gains by working tasks that contribute to the events while satisfying daily and weekly challenges. This all goes for participation in Clans too. Saving up resources for a Clan vs Clan tournament gives your Clan a better chance at some outstanding awards that you couldn't get on your own.

9 серп. 2022, 12:4209.08.22

Learn to recognize Healers and Regenerators in the opponents teams. These champions will likely be tanked up with health points so your team would not immediately target them. These are the guys that are keeping the opponent alive while you're trying to knock them down. Targeting them first may be your only way to beat them in battle.

9 серп. 2022, 12:5009.08.22

Keep good notes on your champions, their capabilities, weaknesses, and how you plan to improve them. I use a database program but you can use spreadsheets, a word processor, or plain old pen and paper. Having a priority on which champions to rank up, or who need what gear, will enable you to use your resources more effeciently.

9 серп. 2022, 13:3909.08.22

Keep track of mercy counter, so you know when your guaranteed Legendary is up, then save opening those shard for a 10X or Bonus Legendary events to make the best of your Legendary.

Be mindful of resources, don't throw your chickens and potions at every new champ. A balanced team is much more effective than a rogue bunch of damage dealers.

Understand your champions' skill set, what it does, how it works, what it synergizes with.

Don't underestimate the importance of Speed and order in a turn-based game. WHEN your champions get a turn is as important as what they do when the turn comes to them, so make sure to tune your speeds accordingly. 

Gear, gear, gear. You can have the best champions in the game, if your gear is poor quality or does not suit the champions, they will not reach their potential. 

Great Hall is crucial to upgrade. As much time as you'll spend grinding for artifacts with certain substats, imagine if great hall was a piece of equipment with godly bonuses for your entire team.  

9 серп. 2022, 14:0009.08.22

Never invest too much in artefacts. 

1* max level 4

2-3* max level 8

4* maxl level 12

Do concentrate on getting your Dragon team to run to get some good 5* equip

9 серп. 2022, 15:2509.08.22
9 серп. 2022, 15:45(відредаговано)

A) Of the starter champs Kael is the best choice among the four. His skills are useful in all areas of the game. The other three champs are still viable but Kael's skills are just better for a young raider.

B) Your starter champ should be your first 60 for maximum efficiency in progressing your account. Make sure he  or she is is fully booked and invest 800 gems for masteries. Do not get distracted with shiny new champs this early.

C) If you don't get lucky with shard pulls this early farm Warmaiden from the Deadlands campaign to help account progression. Mutliple copies of this champ can be used to fully book her skills. She is useful this early due to her decrease defense skill which makes your damage dealers hit harder.

9 серп. 2022, 17:4009.08.22
9 серп. 2022, 18:29(відредаговано)

Consider your lifetime/experience and your energy consumption/experience ratio. Not all locations provide the "best" ratio to level up.  As mentioned before get your starter champion to 60, safe at least 800 Gems to unlock all masteries on your starter, then build your team around. Do not grind without XP-booster. Plan your steps to be time efficent. Consider arena and the dungeons for potions to ascend your champions. All rare Champs develop their "full skill potention" with 3 pink stars. Pull shards most the time on events. Consider your invest which champ ist better??? a fully build rare or a half-way up epic or legendary. You need much longer and much more resources to fully upgrade a legendary or epic champion regarding a rare. Watch content creator videos. Do your dailies, weeklies and advance quests. Stay in the game for at least 60 min the get your daily energy refresher. !!!Consider Energy!!! Do not invest in artifacts from shop offers you never know the substats. Do not us flat stats on your artifacts go for %`s instead. Stay safe and all the best to all of you! 

9 серп. 2022, 18:2109.08.22

Shard management, fusions, champion chases, summon rushes:

- Keep ancient, void, and sacred shards for fusion events.  You will need them for champion chases and summon rushes

- Do not fuse your fusion champions right away.  Wait for the next Champion Chase to do so. 

- Before the next fusion event prepare champions from the permanent fusion lists to fuse for champion chases.  Remember you can fuse only one Rhazin Scarhide.  Once you do that you lose the ability to fuse him or any of the rares required. 

- In champion chases use fusion champions, champion drops from  the campaign and if you need to, ancient shards.  Keep void and legendary shards for the summon rushes.

- In summon rushes use void and sacred shards, and if you need to mystery shards to get to your target

Daily time management:

- Make sure that you do your quests (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Advanced.) 

- Make sure that you spend all you daily demon lord, faction war, doom tower keys.

- Make sure that you do as many missions and challenges as you can

- Even if it is your first week, if there is a Fusion Warmup Event, do it.  You will get lots of goodies for very little effort.

- Read the news forum, if you don't you might lose on free things like Promo Codes


- The first goal should be to get your starter champion to level 6-60, with full masteries (keep your gems for that.) It will change your game.

- Click on the reviews button on each champion page, esp. if you get new champions to see their usibility

- Never feed epic or legendary champions.  Even if they are not the strongest now, Plarium might buff them in the near future.   

- Use duplicate champions as faction guardians in the guardian ring. Campaign drop rares that are not used for fusions, are perfect for this. Duplicate epics or legendaries are better used as guardians than books.

9 серп. 2022, 18:4009.08.22

There's no "right" way to play this game. After all, it's just a game.

Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Get your campain farmer to 60 ASAP. It will make it 10x easier to get food.

Keep shards until there is is a event to get a good champion.

Buy all the Green shards you get in the market.

Read the fourms. It helps.

9 серп. 2022, 18:5909.08.22

If you get stuck on a campaign/dungeon stage or doom tower boss try switching off the Auto-battle and then attempting the stage manually. Also take some time to read all of the boss's abilities as you may be using champions that are ineffective against that particular boss.

9 серп. 2022, 19:2409.08.22

First Arena team can be all farmables:

Spirithost - speed lead, buffer

Diabolist - turn meter booster

Warmaiden - debuffer

Starter champ - nuker

Farm them on the way to leveling up food and use duplicates to book them out. 

9 серп. 2022, 20:1909.08.22

Where Should I...

  1. Level up -  Campaign is best : There are 4 difficulties, 12 areas each with 7 Stages. 12-6 (Dreadlands Stage 6) is the best energy / xp ratio. 12-3 is similar but gives more Silver. XP is shared evenly between champs, even if they are max level, ie: if you have 1 max level champ and 3 "food" champs, 25% of the xp is wasted. If you have 2 max level champs and 2 "food" champs, 50% of the xp is wasted. TLDR: Level up in campagin, Dreadlands stage 3. Use your strater champ to solo and level up 3 food champs.
  2. Farm Gear - Dragon has the best early game sets (Lifestea, Speed Accuracy). Level 10 gives the best ratio of 5* gear. Farm level 10 untill you can farm 16.  However all champs need speed boots, so farm Campaign first - Palace of Aravia - stage 6 (Hard for 4*, Brutal for 5*). TLDR: Farm Campaign, 6-6, the Dragon 10.

Where can I get....

  1. Shards - Clan Boss (Daily, Brutal and up) and Bazaar ( once a week), Doom Tower Bosses, Events
  2. Energy - Refills with time, Buy with Gems, Daily Quests,  Clan Shop (slot 2, rotates), Doom Tower Stages, Events, Bazaar
  3. Books - Clan Boss, Bazaar, Clan Shop, Doom Tower, Events

How to gear my champs - In order of priority - (ASDD) - credit to HellHades:

  1. Accuracy - You need accuracy equal to  the dungeeon level *10 - eg: for level 10 dungeon you need 100 accuracy). 2 accuracy or 2 perception items give you +40. At level 60 you can use an accuracy banner. The Great Hall can give you up to 80 accuracy.
  2.  Speed - You should aim for 170+, building towards 200. All champs need speed boots.  5* speed boots =40 speed, a pair of speed items give a 12% bonus. So 5* speed set speed boots + any speed set item = 50ish speed.
  3. Defence - AI targets champs with lowest HP. Your damage dealers need HP% chest. Your tanks need a lower Hp than the damage delaers, but high Defence. 30K Hp, 2K def is a good aspirational target. 
  4. Damage - You need speed boots. The best way to increase damage is to get more hits in. Waves have around 100 speed. If you can get your damage dealer to 200 speed, you get 2 turns for each time the waves get 1. You need HP % chest.  If your damage dleaer is dead he does no damage. You need crit rate gloves. You are aiming for 100% crit rate. 

Which Champs should I level ....

  1. You need 1 damage dealer (your starter champ). You are unlikely to replce you starter for some time as he can be used in all areas. Later damage delaers are specialists for specific areas.
  2. You need a speed booster (You can farm Diabolist from Campagin - Brimstone path).  High Katun is a log in champ who is a good upgrade. Apothecary is a rare who is an exceptional alternative, but has to be pulled from shards.
  3. You need a decrease defence champ (You can Farm Warmaiden from Capaign - Deadlands). Warmaiden is hard to keep alive, build her for survivability not damage.
  4. You need a poisoner for Clan Boss and Dragon Dungeon. If you chose Kale as your starter, he can do the job. The uncommon outlaw monk can be used as a stop gap alternative, but the rare Froazen Banshee is the dream shard pull.
  5. You need a Support ( Control or Healer or Reviver) to grind through the waves. The log in champ Scyl of the Drakes is the best choice for this. However untill you get Scyl look out for rares such as Gnarlhorn, Apothecary, Geargrinder, or Reliquary Tender. The farmable rares Greybeard (Durham Forest) and  Valerie (Kaerok Castle) can also be used as a stop gap. 

What should I not do...

  1. Don't spend Gems. You should spend your first 800 on masteries for your starter. You should only spend gems after that on energy.
  2. Don't waste books. They are one of the most difficult resources to get early game. Not all champs need books. Once you book the ability you need on a champ, you don't necessarily need to book all the other aiblities. And NO, you can't pick where the books land :(
  3. Don't use flat stat pieces....mostly. The Hands / chest pieces have stat% and flat stat alterantives. ie HP% chest or flat HP chest. The flat stat optin is much worse. However for speed sets, you may not care about the main stat as much as the sub stat (ie speed). 
  4. Don't pull shards unless there is a X2 event on. The chances of pulling a legendary from ancient shards is still poor, but it also increases the chance of pulling epic champs. There are lots of epics who are better than many legendaries.

Where can I find out more ...

  1. There are some great content creators out there. Have a look at people such as Hellhades, DeadwoodJedi, Ashe, ColdBrew, LeilaFoxNation, YST, NusRaids, and many others.
  2. The best site for Clanboss info is Deadwoodjedi.com. The site for looking up champs and using the gear optimiser is HellHades.com.

9 серп. 2022, 21:1509.08.22

Your Starter Champion should be your Main Everthing he/she will carry you all through early to mid game hard carry. He's worth all investment (Rare Books/Silver) 

Do NOT Touch your Epic Or Legndary books till you know what you are doing. Cause those are numbered my friend.

Whatever piece of Gear you should be able to get from Campaign / Clan Boss 

PLease make Sure when you are spending a good chunk of your Silver/ViT that you are doing a Quest/MIssion/Challenge or Even a Tournment. Cause you will be getting atleast what you have spent in return or Better. 

And come join our Discord Community and check our player videos section for more info [Raid Shadow Legends Offical Discord Link ]

10 серп. 2022, 14:2110.08.22

Don't use legendary tom in your start-champions and legendary champions, who doesn't help you right now :)

10 серп. 2022, 15:4010.08.22

This game has an amazing community. Instead of playing alone join a guild or discord. This will help you learn alot about the game and grow your champions.

10 серп. 2022, 17:2010.08.22

Just because a boost is small like a few % boost to crit damage or attack from grand hall doesn't or a few % boost from rising your gears tier doesnt mean that it's useless. Small things add up fast if you get many of them.

10 серп. 2022, 17:2810.08.22
  • When starting out, try every part of the game. The one thing Raid has that's better than other games of this ilk is just how much content you can pick and choose from; try everything and give it a good go and see what you enjoy.
  • Take advantage of events and tournaments going on. This is a great way to earn rewards like gems, extra energy, and more to help you on your way to progressing your favourite champions.
  • Play with friends. The referral system is a great feature for playing with your friends. For me, I started playing at the same time as a handful of friends and we levelled up all at the same time and built a clan together. This has made learning the game and logging in every day really exciting because I know that I'll get to talk to my friends about their rewards or experiences that day.
  • Play the game how you want to play it. There's a lot of content out there about what's best to do when you first start or how to play the game properly, but honestly? Just play how YOU want to play. Ignore people saying "x champion isn't that good". If you like them, and they are good for what you want to do with them, then play them. It's easy to get caught up in metas and tier lists, but there's no point paying attention to any of that if you're not having fun. Play how you want to play, as long as you're having fun, that's all that matters. 


catvanlis / twitch.tv/catvanlis / [G73P] GLEP LOVERS Clan

10 серп. 2022, 23:2210.08.22
11 серп. 2022, 11:36(відредаговано)

Here you go, few of my rather than tips, my own experiences and hard learned lessons by myself.

Know your Basics

  • Please spend some time to watch the  RAID 101  series of video tutorial available in official Raid: Shadow Legends Youtube channel.  Especially the one about Turn Meter will greatly help you understand the game and how to play it much better.

Importance of 6 starring your champions

  • Prioritize 6 staring your starter champion as your first goal. Your first 6 STAR starter champion >>> a Team of four 4 STAR champions. This is my hard learned lesson. I struggled to progress after early stages in every challenge until I 6 starred my first champion. It may lead to frustration and may even cut short your in interest in game. 

Resource Management 

  • When you begin you'll get certain resources in abundance like Energy and silver then slowly it'll reduce and become frugal. Don't be alarmed, that's how it works, you'll make progress if you play regularly.  My crucial learning was, Books & Gems are the precious hard to get resources in the game. Spend them very judiciously and only when necessary. I used epic books on rare champions.. NEVER EVER do that blunder!  Open the Gem mine as soon as possible, it'll really benefit you in the long run.

Masteries makes the difference

  • Don't skip masteries for your main champions! Trust me it may seems like wasting lot of energy farming in Minotaur dungeon, but it really does makes all the difference. Those extra stats, skills and addtional damage boost will help you beat through bosses and waves of enemies easily.  Especially early on, those addional crit rate/crit damage/HP /defence will fill up what you're missing from early game gears.

Use the Events and Tournaments

  • Just try to align your game play according to a current running Event or tournament. For example, train your champion when there is champion training event, Farm gears during one of the dungeon events. You can achieve double goals, 1. Your game advancement and 2. Extra rewards for jus playing it in opportune times.  Yes, start engaging right from your Novice tournament. At times it may seem far fetched due to lack of resources. Don't simply aim for first place or achieving all the top rewards and burn all your energy. Then you'll struggle to make progress in your game. I made this mistake alot.   

Your Clan is your Advantage

  • Don't hesitate to change your clan if your current clan is not participating or progressing. No need to get stuck with your first clan forever. I made that mistake and missed multiple Clan tournament and rewards that I only realised after I switched. Even above the clan stats and rewards the help and guidance from the clan members can be most valuable oftent times. So, try to switch to the Clan with active participants and you'll enjoy the game even more. Even when you have no activities in game, those active and useful chat engagements with clan members will be fun and most of the players are very helpful. (even if you are solo loving, not very social person you can still get valuable inputs without actively engaing in chat)

Enjoy the game

  • Yes. above all these, always remember.. It's just a game bro! Whether you're gonna spend in game or not is up to you, Raid is one of the most F2P friendly game I have played so far, so you can thoroughly enjoy the game no matter what. Don't get upset when you don't get the champion you wanted from shard or couldn't get the rewards you wanted from the Event. This game is meant to be played for years, if not today it's okay surely you'll get it soon.  There's always something better coming, jus have patience, chill and enjoy the game in long run. 

Hope you have a enjoyable experience in the game! Happy Raiding!!🙂👍

11 серп. 2022, 02:1711.08.22

When I first started I did not understand events and tournaments.  I thought they were live play events against other players and I felt I was not good enough to compete.  It took months for me to realize the value of these two activities.  They are not live activities but rather "credit" for actions you take in the game.  Don't make the same mistake I made and throw away a ton of rewards by avoiding tournaments and events when you first start.

11 серп. 2022, 02:2111.08.22

I also misunderstood tomes.  It took me a while to realize to use rare tome on rare champions, epic tomes on epic champions and legendary tomes on legendary champions.  So I used up a lot of tomes on the wrong level champions.  Don't use them too quickly just to upgrade your champion power - it doesn't work that way.  Use tomes very sparingly in the beginning - they are hard to get.  Save as many as you can until you fully understand what the tomes do to improve your champions.