Happy Friday, Raiders!
We are approaching the end of 2020, and though this year has not been the most cheerful one, we have made some big steps in developing our game. 2021 promises to be yet more eventful and exciting in this aspect. We have so much to share with you in the coming releases, but, right now, let’s dive into "What Raid Team are working on and What we have in store"!
First of all, long-awaited AI fixes. This is what our next release will be focused on mainly. Rhazin Scarhide, Aothar, Crypt-King Graal, and Coldheart are among the champs whose AI will be improved. The full list of champions and the exact fixes will be available in our release highlights. The next release is planned for January.
As promised, you will very soon see an increase in the Artifacts, Accessories, and champions storage slots. This is also planned for early 2021, so stay tuned for the great news.
Thanks to your active play, we received a lot of great feedback on the Doom Tower and its new bosses. We are glad that you liked, for the most part, the feature and how challenging it is. We saw and listened to your concerns and will do our best to address them in the game.
Last but not least: a new Facebook contest is at large.
This is an opportunity for everyone to take part in the creation process of a new champion, and we are very excited to see your entries!
Follow the link below to learn more about the contest
That is it, guys! Thank you for your attention, stay safe, and have a fantastic Christmas!
>minotaur labyrinth event or tournament
>potion hunt event
> make doom tower normal easy (but not to easy), hard is ok (because it's hard) free to play get massacre
>i know some legos are now 18 books lower it down (greedy to greedy)
>dungeon item (weapons, armor and accessories)
monday: telerians
tuesday: gaellen pact
wednesday: corrupted
thursday: nyresan
friday, saturday and sunday: random specific factions (for accessories but normal to weapons and armors)
(500 enegry wasted not even 1 barbarian accessories)
>minotaur labyrinth event or tournament
>potion hunt event
> make doom tower normal easy (but not to easy), hard is ok (because it's hard) free to play get massacre
>i know some legos are now 18 books lower it down (greedy to greedy)
>dungeon item (weapons, armor and accessories)
monday: telerians
tuesday: gaellen pact
wednesday: corrupted
thursday: nyresan
friday, saturday and sunday: random specific factions (for accessories but normal to weapons and armors)
(500 enegry wasted not even 1 barbarian accessories)
Itneresting thing about the days and the items. Easy to implement, and useful. Maybe just raising the %
Can we have an update such as how many entrys there are,
how frequently will this event be hosted,
criteria of judgement
what kind of format are you looking for (psx,paper,files,size,etc)
Will you guys post the winners,
Do we need a social media account to enter,
Can we have an update such as how many entrys there are, how frequently will this event be hosted,
This is the first event of this kind in this project. We are doing our best to make it fun and exciting, and currently, it is too early for making such plans.
criteria of judgement
It is essentially a contest to inspire our Concept Artists with your work.
what kind of format are you looking for (psx,paper,files,size,etc)
It is a free format concept competition, but abstract concepts may hinder your chances.
Will you guys post the winners,
Yes, we will showcase our winners.
Do we need a social media account to enter,
Yep, to enter, you will need at the very least a Facebook account.
>minotaur labyrinth event or tournament
>potion hunt event
> make doom tower normal easy (but not to easy), hard is ok (because it's hard) free to play get massacre
>i know some legos are now 18 books lower it down (greedy to greedy)
>dungeon item (weapons, armor and accessories)
monday: telerians
tuesday: gaellen pact
wednesday: corrupted
thursday: nyresan
friday, saturday and sunday: random specific factions (for accessories but normal to weapons and armors)
(500 enegry wasted not even 1 barbarian accessories)
Thank you for your suggestions. Some of them are already under consideration. I will forward this to our development team.
Where do I post my drawings?
If you’re talking about the second rule of the contest:
2. Send your entry to [email protected] and post it on your social media with a #RaidCommunityChampionContest tag till 12/31.
On your Facebook page, for example. But remember sending tour entry to [email protected] is the most critical step for participation.
I know these events are meant to be fun, will the concepts and originals be shown.
Currently, I have a concept for champions but I do not know what are the ideas that maybe actually consider. Like, you guys made shamle and he's like a top tier champion and everything I consider for an idea is top tier....
Would be possible to give us some little more info? - how many more slots you plan we get and will be free or we will have to use money or resources again to unlock?
Sadly, we cannot share more details about this change before the highlight that will mention it.
normal fuse: like relic keeper and razin use old champions or add a grind to shard option
make sparring pit auto level up
Changes to the normal fusions and sparring pit are under consideration. However, right now, there are a couple of features in the making that take priority.
I know these events are meant to be fun, will the concepts and originals be shown.
Currently, I have a concept for champions but I do not know what are the ideas that maybe actually consider. Like, you guys made shamle and he's like a top tier champion and everything I consider for an idea is top tier....
As with most things in life, the best way to find out is to try it.
Do a few if you're not sure. Make one tame and the other as outrageous as you want a champion to be.
I can only recommend at least participate and wish you good luck.
It would be nice if you all would circle back through the old lego shard events. I am trying to keep up with multiple accounts with my kids and I just can't finish them for everyone and $20 for a few shards in the shop is completely outrageous.
I second the request for including Minotaur and Potions into the events, as it is hard to find time for them when there are other dungeon events, which is pretty much always.