Dire family has openings!
The Dire Community
What is the Dire Community?
It is a Discord Server made up of 3 clans at : https://discord.gg/4uYYm9a
The Dire Wolves: Currently ranked in the top 100 doing NM, Brutal, and Hard CB daily
The Dire Cubs: In the top 900 doing Hard, and below daily and sometimes Brutal
Dire Dragons: doing Normal CB during the week and sometimes Hard
We have a very extensive Discord channel that covers all aspects of the game. From dungeons to masteries and the arena. We help all our members grow.
Currently we have a few openings in all 3 groups .
What we are looking for are those that are level 40 and up, able to hit the CB at least twice a day and check in daily.
What do you have to do to join?
Just join our discord server at: https://discord.gg/4uYYm9a
Once you join our discord server mention that you are looking for a clan, and within the next 24 hours an officer will contact you to join either The Dire Cubs or Dire Dragons. If we fill up again you will be asked if you would like to wait for an opening to join one of the clans.
How would I join The Dire Wolves?
You have to join either The Dire Cubs or Dire Dragons first. Then fulfill the requirements in the Discord Rules. Then wait in line for an opening in The Dire Wolves
If you have any questions feel free to send me a message on Discord. My name is: mikedmatthews#6238