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Scrolling/Character inventory

Scrolling/Character inventory

9 лип. 2021, 18:1609.07.21

Scrolling/Character inventory

I am not sure if I would have committed the amount of money I have this far if I knew what a technical mess the champion inventory is before I accrued this many champs to manage.

1. Scrolling down to try and view the champions constantly resets back to the top in the champion inventory. When you have many champions and are trying to sort them, check for duplicates etc. this makes you want to just walk away from the game. Its a maddening waste of time fighting the scrolling issue.

2. It appears to be due to the reset bug metioned above, however, Ill spend time fighting the reset position in the champion inventory while trying to tag and label the champs to see dupes, whats needed for fusing etc. and 60% of the time the label doesnt even save. Another technical issue that is infuriating. So much so it has me considering just walking away from this. Games are already a waste of time. Add to that wasting time just trying get the tedious and mundane necessities done.

1a. Suggestion (Quality oif life) add the ability to:

-sort by name

-tag from the vault

-tag from champ screen in campaigns

-***Really, add the ability to (hold right click) to get to champion information from anywhere in the game, then the ability to label from there.
