I obtained Djamarsa when the referral program changed. However, not realizing she wasn't just another 4-star chicken, I unlocked her and accidentally used her as food. This champion is not obtainable by any other means. I know I made a mistake. I submitted a ticket in-game but the customer service representative was not helpful at all. I understand there is a policy that they can not refund champions that are used as food. And I understand policy is policy. I'm hoping that plarium can evaluate this particular circumstance and perhaps make an exception concerning champions that are not possible to obtain in any other way.
I'm not looking for a free handout or anything. I would just like some way to earn this champion back. Could I possibly trade other 4-star chicken(s) to have this particular champion returned to me? Could I maybe have my referral program reset so that I can re-earn her? Could I have my account rolled back to the beginning of the month? Please, I'm looking for a break just this one time.