Tried every code and they are all invalid. gamegeeksspring wont work. I tried the links to get the 3 champions from 2GT [GameGeeksTricks] video showing how to get them all... and Im getting absolutly nothing. Web site said I was good to go... but, nothing. Even tried reinstalling the game. Thisis the third time in three months.
Champions are : Lightsworn, Chonoru, jotun and then down the line in levels lady quilen. Im so tired of this. If I get told one more time its my fault for not navigating your confusing setup and lying about intro champion links working. They probably do this to intentionally make you lose out and say its your fault for not following their instructions THAT ARENT PRINTED ANYWHERE UNTIL "YOU" ... up. I am so frustrated with a pretty decent game... but im about to walk away. With all those millions of players and whales throwing money at you, you'd think all these problems would be resolved. These links never work, I hate them. H
If these are coming to me eventually fine. Not even worried about all the other stuff they came with. I just need champions. Until this is fixed you get no more of my money. I wonder how much money you save by just not giving players champions like they say. I draw the line here. If yall dont give a .. then you dont get .... Feel like a dumbass for trusting you after the first time I was told I didnt get the character because I PREPLANED and installed it before hand. How ... MENTAL is this ....
Also, promo code gamegeeksspring wont work for me, rest of the guild gets these things, they are much longer standing players... so, what gives?
um124746641 | 119933829
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