Te Ruru21 листоп. 2022, 06:5421.11.2214.11.220I linked the wrong email address to my accountI made a slight error when I created my Plarium Play account. Can anyone help me change it? I've been playing a lot but I don't feel comfortable making purchases if the account's not secure. I enjoy the game so I'm worried
Harbby22 листоп. 2022, 00:3122.11.2204.01.201698The only people who might be able to help would be support, you can open a ticket here. https://mobile-support.plarium.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000007492&_gl=1*zdgk6h*_ga*b2lkODk1MzQzMzAzMy4xNjY5MDYxMjI0*_ga_5FNDF9DMY8*MTY2OTA3NjU4MC4yLjEuMTY2OTA3NzA2MC42MC4wLjA.