Elhain Bug with champion power lvl. 50!!!
I am Ms Eva Green, i have Elhain lvl.50 with 4 pink stars and 1 gold star, and full upgraded skills, and all items on lvl 12+,
and her character power is 6.685, and i think that it is bugged because she is weak and fragile.
I wanted to ask you if you can check that because my friend have Athel on lvl 50 with 4 pink star and 1 gold star and same items as mine,
and his charcater has 15.000+ power, how is that possible??
When Elhain basic stats are stronger then Athel's?
I have hard time completing campaings. As you can se below i don't understand how is possible that she have 6.000 character power when she is stronger then Athel?
Please advise what should i do?
Can you fix this or check somehow so i can continue play this game with fun?
Elhain basic stats:
HP 14.370
ATK 1.233
DEF 837
SPD 107
C. RATE15%
C. DMG 57%
Athel basic stats:
HP 13.545
ATK 1189
DEF 936
SPD 104
C. RATE15%
C. DMG 57%
Best Regards!!!