Tramaria A2 Decrease Turn Meter Bug
Device: Pixel 6s
OS: Windows 10
Description: Tramarias A2 Stagnation Sickness INCREASES turn meter if they are not stunned instead of decreasing it as advertised. I have tried it out in a few different areas (Arena, dungeons) to see if it is a visual bug, but it does indeed appear to actually increase enemy turn meter by 30% if the stun does not land (80%). This happens on characters + bosses, and player characters in arena.
WTR (way to reproduce the issue):
1. Use Tramaria's A2 Stagnation Sickness WITHOUT HAVING SKILL MAXED so that the stun chance is 80%, decease turn meter chance 80% on any enemy that can have turn meter reduced. Notice that if the decrease turn meter text appears and the skill lands, the enemy turn meter is increased instead of decreased.