Hello there,
I'll be keeping this thread updated, and there is also an ongoing megathread in the game discussion portion of the forum. Sorry for the continued delay and issues.
Hello there,
I'll be keeping this thread updated, and there is also an ongoing megathread in the game discussion portion of the forum. Sorry for the continued delay and issues.
Seems like neither this nor that thread (now lock) have been updated. I guess that was that.
Seems like neither this nor that thread (now lock) have been updated. I guess that was that.
Hello there,
This thread was never stated or intended to be updated - as this is bug reports section of the forum only - but the one you linked was, hence the screenshots and texts within it containing the word update. It was locked from the onset because it wasn't meant to be a discussion thread, but a series of updates on a developing situation.
The ongoing megathread which is referenced went 15+ pages, as my fellow moderator Quinn and I assisted players who had not yet received their Genbo.
I hope that clears things up for you. If you still have not received your Genbo, please open a support ticket in game or here: https://raid-support.plarium.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?_gl=1*103872l*_ga*b2lkODU1MTEwMTA2OS4xNjYxODI2ODE1*_ga_5FNDF9DMY8*MTY4MTQ3MDkzNS43MTEuMS4xNjgxNDcxMTc2LjM5LjAuMA..