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Tag Arena Team change bugging WwiseSoundStep

Tag Arena Team change bugging WwiseSoundStep

27 січ. 2023, 17:2027.01.23

Tag Arena Team change bugging WwiseSoundStep

When i use the "Team Setup" option to assign/change teams for tag team arena, it causes the issue with WwiseSoundStep stopping at 0%, resulting in longer loading times afterwards since it waits 5 seconds before skipping this step. It persists until i restart the game.

The issue starts to affect the game after the following tag arena battle.

Edit: I am playing on PC, windows 10

1 лют. 2023, 09:3001.02.23

Addendum: It bugs the WwiseSoundStep without changing / reassigning teams, by simply fighting in the Tag Team Arena a few times. I have game sound volume turned off, IIRC it happened with sound on too.

11 лют. 2023, 17:5311.02.23

After suffering from this for a year, and seeing posts on this subject from two years ago (but not many), i assume the problem is a personal system/config issue and not a program defect as it would seem - otherwise you'd think it would have been addressed long ago.

I think the WwiseSoundStep procedure is called almost every time you do any click within combat - the pause, select/deselect opponent, autorun on/off.  Once the procedure is called, i believe it is not closing properly, and leaves artifacts in memory for when the next combat is loaded. Very annoying.

I too am running Windows 10, Asus Prime B560-Plus CPU and GeForce RTX 3060 TI (pretty fast), and this delay more than doubles my load time for combat screens.