Elenaril Combust Skill Bug (Not all Poison Dmg happens)
Device: Doesn't matter, as the Bug is happening on my Samsung S7 Edge, S7 and on my Computer with Bluestacks. Not a Device Issue.
OS: Android 8.0.0, Windows 10
Step 1: Go with Elenaril and other Champs who has Poison Debuff skills
Step 2: Take on as much Poison Debuffs on the ClanBoss as you want
Step 3: Use then, when you have many Poison Debuffs on ClanBoss the Combust Skill and see what happens always again.
Combust Skill says: Deals damage from all Poison Debuffs on all Enemies Instantly. On my Screenshots, you will see, that I made 2 different Situations with different amount of poison debuffs. But still, the same damage happens on Screen.
Picture 1 has 1 Poison with 3 Stacks. On Picture 2 you see, 75k Dmg is happening.
Picture 3 has 2 Poisons with 3 Stacks. On Picture 4 you see, only 75k Dmg is again happening. What you not see is, the Dmg from "Burn" Debuff was following after.
Means: It doesn't matter how many Poison I get on him, its always only the 75k Dmg like there is a limit how many damage "Combust" let happen when I activate all Poisons instantly. That's why I just see it as a bug. Hope you understand my issues here.
Thanks for the help.