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Where do I get chickens?

Where do I get chickens?

16 лип. 2019, 05:5816.07.19

Where do I get chickens?

So I'm in need of some 4 star chickens. How do I get them? I have looked in the shop but can't find them. 
16 лип. 2019, 10:4816.07.19
16 лип. 2019, 10:49(відредаговано)
Either within temporary "Special" Deals or as event rewards
24 лип. 2019, 23:1724.07.19

you can order some online. but if you want extra spicy ones you have to use the flavouring options, the thing is each faction requires a different

flavour otherwise it won't work and the chicken will be rejected.... theyre really fussy about theyre food these epics and legs .. smh

(real answer: events and deals)

27 лип. 2019, 07:1827.07.19
Maybe you could add them in the dungeons? Like summoners war drop rainbowmons from the dungeons
17 жовт. 2019, 21:0617.10.19
OpheliaA1 said:

you can order some online. but if you want extra spicy ones you have to use the flavouring options, the thing is each faction requires a different

flavour otherwise it won't work and the chicken will be rejected.... theyre really fussy about theyre food these epics and legs .. smh

(real answer: events and deals)

ROFLMAO!!! I'm sorry but this is awesome!!! 
10 листоп. 2019, 18:2310.11.19
Oh... So they aren't dropped in crypts or dungeons? Okay, what's a great way to get a character to rank 6? 
12 груд. 2019, 07:4912.12.19
12 груд. 2019, 07:51(відредаговано)
Give them money....
12 січ. 2020, 00:4112.01.20
Great to see forum are as useful today as they were 20 years ago, more dribble than content, not one useful answer to a reasonably sensible question, I myself have looked everywhere and can only find level 4 chickens not one level 3 to 4 chicken, not in packs not in tavern and no help at all as to how to get one so am stuck at all my characters being level 30 and unless I sacrifice one of my characters, this is as far as I can go, great game.
14 січ. 2020, 18:3714.01.20
Gardum said:

Great to see forum are as useful today as they were 20 years ago, more dribble than content, not one useful answer to a reasonably sensible question, I myself have looked everywhere and can only find level 4 chickens not one level 3 to 4 chicken, not in packs not in tavern and no help at all as to how to get one so am stuck at all my characters being level 30 and unless I sacrifice one of my characters, this is as far as I can go, great game.
Just raise the rank of uncommon heroes and sacrifice them after they got the right amount of stars.
21 жовт. 2020, 02:1321.10.20
I need help on learning how to use my chickens and tomes? Anyone?
21 груд. 2020, 16:1521.12.20

You can also rank up 'food' instead of using chickens.

Also what help do you need peanut?

2 черв. 2021, 08:5002.06.21

I used good players up this game sucks

10 лип. 2021, 01:0710.07.21

Events and rewards i just want to say that is basically saying pay or wait for some random event to come that is bullshit excuse my language but that is pretty money hungry if you ask me and wait to torture free to play players like me needing 5 star chickens for my elhain that also defeats the purpose of games like this where to get necessity like this you need to pay in freaking free to play game and my suggestion is to make a dungeon for this where you fight a chicken to get 

10 лип. 2021, 01:1010.07.21

Events and rewards i just want to say that is basically saying pay or wait for some random event to come that is bullshit excuse my language but that is pretty money hungry if you ask me and wait to torture free to play players like me needing 5 star chickens for my elhain that also defeats the purpose of games like this where to get necessity like this you need to pay in freaking free to play game and my suggestion is to make a dungeon for this where you fight a chicken to get 

10 лип. 2021, 11:5010.07.21
10 лип. 2021, 11:51(відредаговано)

Events and rewards i just want to say that is basically saying pay or wait for some random event to come that is bullshit excuse my language but that is pretty money hungry if you ask me and wait to torture free to play players like me needing 5 star chickens for my elhain that also defeats the purpose of games like this where to get necessity like this you need to pay in freaking free to play game and my suggestion is to make a dungeon for this where you fight a chicken to get 

You don't need chickens to upgrade your champs, you can use other champs instead.

  • to make a lvl 50 champ rank 6 --> 5 other rank 5 champs
  • to make a lvl 40 champ rank 5 --> 4 other rank 4 champs
  • to make a lvl 30 champ rank 4 --> 3 other rank 3 champs. You can use trash-rares here if you want to.
  • to make a lvl 20 champ rank 3 --> 2 other rank 2 champs. You can use uncommens here. Level an uncommen champ to lvl 20, sacrifice 2 other uncommens to get a 3* uncommen. 

16 лип. 2021, 13:4716.07.21

You don't need chickens to upgrade your champs, you can use other champs instead.

  • to make a lvl 50 champ rank 6 --> 5 other rank 5 champs
  • to make a lvl 40 champ rank 5 --> 4 other rank 4 champs
  • to make a lvl 30 champ rank 4 --> 3 other rank 3 champs. You can use trash-rares here if you want to.
  • to make a lvl 20 champ rank 3 --> 2 other rank 2 champs. You can use uncommens here. Level an uncommen champ to lvl 20, sacrifice 2 other uncommens to get a 3* uncommen. 

all said here.

Just use your common and uncommon to rank up and upgrade them to the next lvl. It takes time but that´s how it is bro...grind grind grind

10 верес. 2022, 02:1810.09.22

Only been in the game for about a month. LOVING IT!!! My PS5 hates my new Mistress! Awesome game and play Tech Team!!!

20 січ. 2024, 03:2920.01.24

the problem with these chickens, is that they can't be obtained by dugeons or story thing. plarium WANTS y'all to buy chickens. waiting is bad so just grind kaerok castle with auto battle while watching yt. thats how you get more of those green shards. then use XP brews to level up the useless champions to sacrifice.