I already cleared mine without screenshotting, but it was close-ish, at elast compared to previous clashes.
The first place team did more than 2nd & 3rd put together, but no individual crazy keys, just high participation with good solid teams.
Iirc the biggest single key score between 5 clans was someone who did ~850m with acrizia on NM for 3.4 billion clash points
I'm pleased to report my clan DID manage to down NM, and I'm reasonably certain we'll be able to each week
Otoh, participation is definitely down in the midgame clans in my cluster.
A couple dozen players have gone from 'struggling' to "F it, why bother?"
I recommend lowering the minimum score for bottom level chest, both for clash and regular hydra rewards
I can't see any good reason against that suggestion.
thats what my clash ended up at, previously we cud get around 12bill, new system stops a Wixwell team winning by its self which was getting to be standard practice unless i tanked 2 outa 4 clashes, personally i like the changes, having said that i dont care as much about Hydra since they added the milestonr rewards
Overall score down by about 30%, participation down by maybe 10% (hard to say, used keys vary a lot from week to week while the score is relatively stable). We'll see how that develops, but I don't forsee this ending well, and my assumption is that participation this week will be down quite a bit more and the score somewhat further as it'll primarily be the ones that already struggled that lose interest. This is a clan without any of the cheese teams that the patch was supposed to take care of, by the way.
Well, here's this week's update: worse than I thought. Total score is about half of what it was, less if I compare to our top score rather than some estimated average, and used keys is down to just below 60%. If I remove the keys used that are obviously just fire-and-forget usage to get the daily quest done, it's closer to 40% of what it was, and that's using a generous interpretation of the key use and granting a few pre-changes keys also being throwaways even though I don't remember seeing that much. Worst-case is actually below 30%.
Nightmare is not even close to being beaten. Brutal is dead, presumably because those that still can hit it actually do. Hard is not dead, I'm guessing that's because those that still use keys primarily do nightmare and brutal and hard gets the C-team at best. Normal is, mostly because 2 people who could use the keys on higher tiers probably can't be bothered and did enough between them to take it down.
So overall, disaster for my clan in terms of both performance and engagement. Maybe it's a statistical anomaly this week in particular, but I doubt it. If anything, I expect it'll get a bit worse even, though not nearly as much as the hits the past 2 weeks. We'll see.
Without a Shamael or close to 100% veil coverage running a auto team is basically impossible imo
combined with the fact the ai is braindead for probably every champ now, the minium u have to do is target heads, i can live with this but i have a rough idea whats going on
people starting out or just runnig auto teams with decent champs will get very sick very fast of the changes as noted by Egdnit