Spenders VS FTP
So we know I am a spender. I have a decent amount of good champions and mythicals...But how do I play??
I play for FUN! I AUTO everything. Throw together a team and hit auto......Probably why my Trunda does not do the Billion damage in Hydra
So I say to you all do not paint us spenders with a brush that says cause we spend we cheating or cheezing this game with insane builds
I suck at this game / rage quit 2 times / and still play this game = Because its so FUN!!!!
So I do not support any nerfs in this game. Even though FTP players (Trips) are wrecking me in this game.
I do not have Wixwell but not mad my clan loses every Hydra clash...
I honestly think at end of the day instead of nerfing champions just do a better job of MATCHING clans against other clans that do similar damage in competitions. That not only goes for Hydra but Siege PVP