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Freyja: What do y'all think about her?

Freyja: What do y'all think about her?

28 серп. 2024, 03:0328.08.24

Freyja: What do y'all think about her?

Freyja seems like a pretty straightforward Force Affinity Defensive Support. I can easily see her value and how I could potentially slot her into teams.  

Her A2 & A3 are very strong support abilities, however, the low percentage chance on the A1 Provoke makes her tough to use as the only Hydra Provoker, unless you run her in Provoke gear and have an Ally Attacker to increase your odds...

Assuming she will go for the typical guaranteed (non-void) Lego rate of 20 Sacreds, who thinks she is worth going for?

28 серп. 2024, 04:1128.08.24
28 серп. 2024, 05:15(відредаговано)

She's the best of the 4. Period. You're underestimating her A1, with how often she counterattacks AND the fact it's a AOE is insane. Putting her in Provoke gear would give you really high chances of provoking constantly.

Her Passive could mean you don't need a Reviver for your Hydra Brutal/Nightmare teams. At the very least it would mean you can worry less about HP and Def on your primary DPS.

A3 on a 3 Turn is pretty impressive. A2 could be a super huge shield as the fight goes forward.

Hell I'd put her in a Cursed set possibly, depending on comp.

EDIT: I did want to add that I'm sure some math genius will find a way to tune Odin's 9 turn Passive into being godly on Clan Boss or something. I'm not sure what Thor's kit will be, but unless he has a ability like Trunda's A2 I'd still put Freya at the top. 

To give credit where it is due, Loki may change the Arena Meta greatly

28 серп. 2024, 05:1928.08.24

She's the best of the 4. Period. You're underestimating her A1, with how often she counterattacks AND the fact it's a AOE is insane. Putting her in Provoke gear would give you really high chances of provoking constantly.

Her Passive could mean you don't need a Reviver for your Hydra Brutal/Nightmare teams. At the very least it would mean you can worry less about HP and Def on your primary DPS.

A3 on a 3 Turn is pretty impressive. A2 could be a super huge shield as the fight goes forward.

Hell I'd put her in a Cursed set possibly, depending on comp.

EDIT: I did want to add that I'm sure some math genius will find a way to tune Odin's 9 turn Passive into being godly on Clan Boss or something. I'm not sure what Thor's kit will be, but unless he has a ability like Trunda's A2 I'd still put Freya at the top. 

To give credit where it is due, Loki may change the Arena Meta greatly

Based on your comment, it seems you like her kit.  Do you like it enough that you plan to get her?

I am not dissing her at all.  I definitely think she is a solid toon, and for sure she's better than Loki.  I have not seen Thor's kit yet, so no idea on that comparison.  As far as Odin goes, he has an interesting kit with a strong passive. I think he'll have some Hydra chops, so I am not sure I'd say she is better than Odin yet. 

I get that the A1 is an AoE, but that doesn't help with Hydra since you can only Provoke Decay anyway.  Fully-booked, she only has a 40% chance to provoke, which is too low, IMO, to count on as the only Provoker for a 1500 turn Hydra team, which is why I figured the supplements of Ally Attack & Provoke gear might be needed.

I am expecting the A2 to pop out big shields, so I am not expecting enough CA procs to improve the Provoke odds all on their own.  

28 серп. 2024, 05:2928.08.24
28 серп. 2024, 05:33(відредаговано)

Based on your comment, it seems you like her kit.  Do you like it enough that you plan to get her?

I am not dissing her at all.  I definitely think she is a solid toon, and for sure she's better than Loki.  I have not seen Thor's kit yet, so no idea on that comparison.  As far as Odin goes, he has an interesting kit with a strong passive. I think he'll have some Hydra chops, so I am not sure I'd say she is better than Odin yet. 

I get that the A1 is an AoE, but that doesn't help with Hydra since you can only Provoke Decay anyway.  Fully-booked, she only has a 40% chance to provoke, which is too low, IMO, to count on as the only Provoker for a 1500 turn Hydra team, which is why I figured the supplements of Ally Attack & Provoke gear might be needed.

I am expecting the A2 to pop out big shields, so I am not expecting enough CA procs to improve the Provoke odds all on their own.  

I would not be praising her A1 so much if it wasn't for that built-in Counter Attack component. Yes the shields will be big but on Brutal or Nightmare Hydra, they still won't last unless you have someone who increases shield value.  Granted it only occurs Once Per Turn but I believe this means any turn. So that means the Ally Attack isn't as important. However, pairing her with Mikage would be fine. Heck you could put her in 2 Piece Retaliation and Provoke. I have Alatreon in 2 piece retaliation and its worth it for his A1 extends.

Over the course of a 1500 Turn Fight, combined with the fact you want a cleanser anyway, she fills TWO roles very well. S Cleanser and potentially A Tier Provoker. Worst case scenario, she's a supplemental Provoke so it's all wins.

Also that Instant Turn on your DPS means they will get to go immediately and as long as Leech is out, they'll probably full heal from their attack

Right now I put 90% of the value of champs in their Hydra abilities and she will be great in Hydra. Not sure about 20 sacreds to pull her? I figure it will be a Path or Deck event (unless there's info the CC's have put out that I missed)

28 серп. 2024, 13:1428.08.24

Since she is a witch it would be funny as crap if they made it so that burn effects did double damage to her. 

29 серп. 2024, 03:3229.08.24

I have a few issues with Freyja. One being that if I'm comparing her to recent guaranteeds (Padraig comes to mind) I am not sure she measures up.

Another is that I do not like building higher end Hydra teams with the plans of - or even a high risk - champions dying during the run. I understand that the pseudo Goffred style passive has its attractions due to the instant turn but it would really want say, a reset ability tied to it to make it worth it in my eyes given there is also a cooldown attached. In general I don't think this is how we should be approaching our Hydra teams. We want our supports that fill this sort of role to be healing/protecting the entire team.

She doesn't really fill a defined support role in my eyes and unless the shield shenanigans are wild I am unsure just how high value she is. 

29 серп. 2024, 05:0329.08.24

I have a few issues with Freyja. One being that if I'm comparing her to recent guaranteeds (Padraig comes to mind) I am not sure she measures up.

Another is that I do not like building higher end Hydra teams with the plans of - or even a high risk - champions dying during the run. I understand that the pseudo Goffred style passive has its attractions due to the instant turn but it would really want say, a reset ability tied to it to make it worth it in my eyes given there is also a cooldown attached. In general I don't think this is how we should be approaching our Hydra teams. We want our supports that fill this sort of role to be healing/protecting the entire team.

She doesn't really fill a defined support role in my eyes and unless the shield shenanigans are wild I am unsure just how high value she is. 

Well how do you define "Support" I guess is the question. Nekmo is a Support and Eostrid is a support. Both Heal through other factors, Nekmo keeps Leech out (which given the high dmg in Hydra teams, is big heals) and Eostrid does consistent heals with TM fills. Both also do Speed manipulation, Eostrid boosts dps with Inc Atk and Weaken while Nekmo reduces Atk of Hydra Heads. Neither have a Cleanse.

Freya is a Triple Buffer so 9 Piece Protection Set may be very Viable, she does Cleanse + Block Debuffs and TM fill (which Nekmo and Eostrid also do). Her "Heal" is Death Prevention of your Top DPS and Team Shield which could end up being a very VERY large shield. 

Eostrid and Nekmo are both top tier Supports for Hydra, I think most would agree. 

Freya is essentially a Brogni that Full Cleanses AND Provokes, except Inc Def instead of Inc Atk. Brogni has a Reflect ability (that is pretty chaotic with how it interacts with things) from his shields and Freya has a counterattack from her Shields. Brogni grows shields with his A2, Freya grows shields with a passive 50% Inc Def that stacks with her 60% Def Buff.

If you consider Brogni a great Support in Hydra, then again I'd have to argue Freya also qualifies maybe

29 серп. 2024, 05:2129.08.24

Well how do you define "Support" I guess is the question. Nekmo is a Support and Eostrid is a support. Both Heal through other factors, Nekmo keeps Leech out (which given the high dmg in Hydra teams, is big heals) and Eostrid does consistent heals with TM fills. Both also do Speed manipulation, Eostrid boosts dps with Inc Atk and Weaken while Nekmo reduces Atk of Hydra Heads. Neither have a Cleanse.

Freya is a Triple Buffer so 9 Piece Protection Set may be very Viable, she does Cleanse + Block Debuffs and TM fill (which Nekmo and Eostrid also do). Her "Heal" is Death Prevention of your Top DPS and Team Shield which could end up being a very VERY large shield. 

Eostrid and Nekmo are both top tier Supports for Hydra, I think most would agree. 

Freya is essentially a Brogni that Full Cleanses AND Provokes, except Inc Def instead of Inc Atk. Brogni has a Reflect ability (that is pretty chaotic with how it interacts with things) from his shields and Freya has a counterattack from her Shields. Brogni grows shields with his A2, Freya grows shields with a passive 50% Inc Def that stacks with her 60% Def Buff.

If you consider Brogni a great Support in Hydra, then again I'd have to argue Freya also qualifies maybe

I don't think anyone considers Brogni a great support in Hydra post Cadaver nerf. He's OK at best outside of earlier game players/lower difficulties.

With regards to Nekmo/Eostrid as supports, their ability to control heads and increase team speed (and thus turns) makes them markedly better than most supports - including Freyja, I'd imagine. 

29 серп. 2024, 15:1529.08.24

I think she's a solid support champ, I don't know that I'll be investing 20 Sacreds into getting her though.  Especially if she's going to remain in the pool.

29 серп. 2024, 21:5129.08.24

I think she's a solid support champ, I don't know that I'll be investing 20 Sacreds into getting her though.  Especially if she's going to remain in the pool.


29 серп. 2024, 23:4829.08.24


If you don't pull all those Sacreda though how would you get your 9th Septimus?

30 серп. 2024, 04:2530.08.24

If you don't pull all those Sacreda though how would you get your 9th Septimus?

the next Harima progressive is when the prophesized 9th Septimus will appear.

30 серп. 2024, 04:5830.08.24

The 20 Sacreds is just conjecture on my part. That has been the going rate for a guaranteed non-void lego, and it seems likely that the Freyja Deck of Fate will have a Shard component, which would likely mean 20 Sacreds or equivalent points from other means.

I think the last non-void Lego we had from a Deck was Kaja, and she would've taken 20 Sacreds or the equivalent number of points:  https://hellhades.com/halloween-deck-of-fates/

IIRC, Padraig would've taken 21 Golds if you had done his Path Event for only Sacreds.  I actually used a bunch of Soulstones for Paddy, so it wasn't too expensive in terms of Shards for me.  

30 серп. 2024, 05:3730.08.24

The 20 Sacreds is just conjecture on my part. That has been the going rate for a guaranteed non-void lego, and it seems likely that the Freyja Deck of Fate will have a Shard component, which would likely mean 20 Sacreds or equivalent points from other means.

I think the last non-void Lego we had from a Deck was Kaja, and she would've taken 20 Sacreds or the equivalent number of points:  https://hellhades.com/halloween-deck-of-fates/

IIRC, Padraig would've taken 21 Golds if you had done his Path Event for only Sacreds.  I actually used a bunch of Soulstones for Paddy, so it wasn't too expensive in terms of Shards for me.  

Nope, I'm holding you to 20 Sacreds 

If the event is more, I riot about you on the internet. Checkmate.

30 серп. 2024, 05:3830.08.24

If you don't pull all those Sacreda though how would you get your 9th Septimus?

My 5th tyvm.... Or is it 6 now? :(

30 серп. 2024, 09:1030.08.24

My 5th tyvm.... Or is it 6 now? :(

Does it matter?  The 6th is just as useful as the 1st.

30 серп. 2024, 09:1130.08.24

The 20 Sacreds is just conjecture on my part. That has been the going rate for a guaranteed non-void lego, and it seems likely that the Freyja Deck of Fate will have a Shard component, which would likely mean 20 Sacreds or equivalent points from other means.

I think the last non-void Lego we had from a Deck was Kaja, and she would've taken 20 Sacreds or the equivalent number of points:  https://hellhades.com/halloween-deck-of-fates/

IIRC, Padraig would've taken 21 Golds if you had done his Path Event for only Sacreds.  I actually used a bunch of Soulstones for Paddy, so it wasn't too expensive in terms of Shards for me.  

Conjecture sure but a reasonable assumption based on previous guranteeds.

30 серп. 2024, 09:1130.08.24

the next Harima progressive is when the prophesized 9th Septimus will appear.

And youll pull your 3rd Harima?  You bum.

6 жовт. 2024, 20:2806.10.24

Well, I was wrong, no shards required for Freyja at all.  Champ Training & Soulstones.  I have been saving Soulstones for quite a while, so I am fairly confident that I will be able to do her Deck relatively easily, but I am still not convinced that I will actually use her anywhere.  

I am not short on Tanky Force Supports, and I don't see her having a spot on any of my Hydra teams.

It'd be nice if she had a heal and/or a revive.

7 жовт. 2024, 00:0407.10.24
7 жовт. 2024, 00:05(відредаговано)

Well, I was wrong, no shards required for Freyja at all.  Champ Training & Soulstones.  I have been saving Soulstones for quite a while, so I am fairly confident that I will be able to do her Deck relatively easily, but I am still not convinced that I will actually use her anywhere.  

I am not short on Tanky Force Supports, and I don't see her having a spot on any of my Hydra teams.

It'd be nice if she had a heal and/or a revive.

If you feel safe going for her , just do it .. by the next guaranteed champ the ressource will have refilled anyway so might has well grab it !

Edit: no shards needed ? And the next few soulstone event will be normal ones im pretty sure so its a safe investment imo .. 

7 жовт. 2024, 00:5507.10.24

If you feel safe going for her , just do it .. by the next guaranteed champ the ressource will have refilled anyway so might has well grab it !

Edit: no shards needed ? And the next few soulstone event will be normal ones im pretty sure so its a safe investment imo .. 

Yeah, I didn't say I wasn't gonna do the Deck, just that I don't really have a use for her.  

I kinda want to pull the Soulstones becasue it'd be nice to pick up something new...