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Odin gear drops

Odin gear drops

21 серп. 2024, 20:0221.08.24

Odin gear drops

I wanted to share some thoughts after my recent experience with the new Odin dungeon. Maybe I’m alone in feeling this way, but I find it frustrating.

I don’t have the best gear, but I do have some strong champions. I’m sure there’s something off with how I’ve built them, but that aside—I just spent 20 minutes and 37 seconds manually completing level 23 after multiple attempts. Landing that final blow was incredibly satisfying, but receiving a rare five-star ring as a reward was demoralizing.

I don’t think it’s unrealistic to expect that, at a certain dungeon level, the lowest rarity of gear dropped should be epic, with the same progression for legendary and mythic gear. At the very least, the drop rates for better gear should be improved. When farming high levels, a "crappy" run should be the exception, not the norm, with rare items having a drop rate of 10% or less. Especially since higher rarity doesn’t guarantee better stats.

Maybe it’s just me, but with so much to do in the game, it’s already tough to decide where to spend my time. A temporary dungeon for this event (which is a cool idea) shouldn’t be so challenging when Odin is already overpowered. I just want a fair chance to get decent gear at a dungeon level that’s difficult for me, not at one I might never be able to reach. 

To be clear, I’m not asking for the dungeon’s difficulty to be lowered—I just want the gear that drops at the highest difficulty I can reach to be of a higher rarity. 


21 серп. 2024, 20:2821.08.24

I don't know the numbers for the stages 26-30, as they didn't exist previously - but as you go higher in stage, the rarity does indeed go up. It doesn't remove the rare drops, but the higher you go the less likely you are to see them.

21 серп. 2024, 20:4121.08.24

I agree that the idea behind the Event Dungeon is cool.  However, with the exception of the PinPoint gear, all of the gear that drops from the Event Dungeon is garbage.  

21 серп. 2024, 20:4821.08.24
21 серп. 2024, 20:59(відредаговано)

I don't know the numbers for the stages 26-30, as they didn't exist previously - but as you go higher in stage, the rarity does indeed go up. It doesn't remove the rare drops, but the higher you go the less likely you are to see them.

I would imagine that L30 for Event Dungeon will have drop rates in the ball park of Hard Mode L5 for a regular dungeon.  Unfortunately, even at Hard Mode L10, the drop rate is still:

30.6% 5s Rare

14.4% 6s Rare

21.76% 5s Epic

For a grand total of 66.76% total garbage.  

21 серп. 2024, 22:0721.08.24

I would imagine that L30 for Event Dungeon will have drop rates in the ball park of Hard Mode L5 for a regular dungeon.  Unfortunately, even at Hard Mode L10, the drop rate is still:

30.6% 5s Rare

14.4% 6s Rare

21.76% 5s Epic

For a grand total of 66.76% total garbage.  

You're excluding all the other auto-sell garbage (flat stat bottom-row items, flat substats, no speed substat, etc). The real total is probably closer to 90% garbage :)

22 серп. 2024, 02:3922.08.24
22 серп. 2024, 02:40(відредаговано)

You're excluding all the other auto-sell garbage (flat stat bottom-row items, flat substats, no speed substat, etc). The real total is probably closer to 90% garbage :)

For sure. I was just giving the stats on Rarity since that is what the OP was talking about.  I am sure that I keep less than 1% of the gear that pops from any dungeon.   

22 серп. 2024, 11:3122.08.24


22 серп. 2024, 12:1522.08.24

I can't get past 24 so that frustration you are experiencing, I am glad I am not. lol

22 серп. 2024, 12:1922.08.24

You're excluding all the other auto-sell garbage (flat stat bottom-row items, flat substats, no speed substat, etc). The real total is probably closer to 90% garbage :)

Exactly. :)

30 серп. 2024, 18:4930.08.24

Now that the drop rates for the Event Dungeon are up on HH, we can know for sure.  L30 of the Event Dungeon has the same rarity drop rates as L10 Hard Mode Dungeons.

4 верес. 2024, 04:5004.09.24

This is why I modded the game with a tool to avoid all the issues... 🙂 

10 верес. 2024, 17:1310.09.24

i have to say that for the hype put into the event, its a complete and utter wank.  now while i do have a fairly limited pool i am getting about a 60% (ish) drop for regular equipmet and 40% (ish) for the pinpoint set.  i like the set sure but when the accessorys are faction specific, then factor in the junk i think the 1% gear kept mentioned above is being overly generous.  the event dungeon is a neat idea but this like many other things seems to be a huge failure when it comes to aquiring the pinpoint set.  instead of regular gear why not add gear reset items, even if they were coded to only work on the current event set, this would mean an actual event to gain the new limited set and follow the event idea.   i know it wont happen.  and thus this is why this and all future events like it are going into my do not enter pile, and furthering the disallusionment of a game i have played since 2018.  just looking at the event tab in the dungeon  tab section makes me wish the fleas of a thousand camels would infect every one of the armpits of the devs who created and approved this, yet another sadly underwhelming event.  CHEERS!

12 верес. 2024, 07:4612.09.24

I have farmed it a lot, not for the artifacts but for the accesories, since stats on accesories is a big thing.

The drop rate sucks of course even on the top level, and with all the layers of rng involved (first you need to drop an accessory, then it needs the right stats, then it needs to roll well, then you need some luck with ascending it) i spend thousands of energy for one or two nice items

But that is essentially what these games are about, so it is no better or worse than other events in my mind.

20 верес. 2024, 05:4220.09.24
20 верес. 2024, 05:44(відредаговано)

I think, that's the case with the entire game ‼️👀 LOL 


I'm really not enjoying the drop rewards. I mean , beating LVL5 magic Dungeons , and NOT yielding the magic things, just some chump change like 2000 silver, is uh. Really stupid., shouldnt we get blue shards  instead of green ? For the difficulty spike the rewards aren't really keeping up the threshold. I will be making an indepth video on my thoughts of this, but this has to be  the worst to enjoy, as a dungeon crawler gamer myself. 

ALSO, shouldn't Scroll Dungeons give the scrolls to ALL champs in the party? Why random?  I thought you'd get both scrolls shown ,  in the rewards list to the right, to NOT yield 1 green scroll is , 🤯

Loving the Login rewards, that's exceptional. How are we supposed to FUSE anything?? Ahahaha