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New Champions (17.01.2019)

New Champions (17.01.2019)

17 січ. 2019, 16:3017.01.19

New Champions (17.01.2019)

A living legend, Angar is not only a warrior of great strength and courage but is also known for his sharp tongue. Perhaps a bit uncommon for an orc, he values victory in the battle of words just as much as victory in the contest of arms.

Provoking his foes into mindless rage with barbed insults, Angar can easily make them forget about their tactics. While Angar himself prefers to keep a cool head in battle. He is known to gather grisly trophies such as skulls and bones of the slain. Some say it helps him to always remember the cost of men's folly and blind fury.

Basher has never honored Skinwalkers' traditions and never believed in Ch’arocah legends. The only thing he believes in is brute force. 

Having been exiled from his tribe in his childhood, he went to the south over the Redspike Mountains where he served first as a scout for the Ordun lords, then as cutthroat and torturer. Basher never speaks of his past and has never uttered his real name that was given to him by his mother. What makes him proud is his current nickname - Basher.

Known only as the “Delver”, this mysterious Dark Elf female has been selling her skills as an assassin and master poisoner for many years. With her mind as sharp as the quarrels of her crossbow, she excels at taking advantage of and multiplying her victims’ weaknesses. And though her origins are not known, some speculate that the moniker was earned by her ceaseless interest to old Elven ruins scattered across the continent. No one knows what she seeks there, but those unfortunate souls brave or foolish enough to assist her expedition for coin are rarely heard from again. 

It is a common assumption among Skinwalkers that the bigger one’s horns or antlers, the stronger one is. That is, of course, a vestige of their bestial nature, one that is often proven to be untrue. The Flesh-Tearer is a very good example of this. Despite his fear-inspiring name, he is no fearsome warrior but a wise healer who can keep others alive.

The secrets of handling herbs were passed to Flesh-Tearer from his father, just like they were from his father’s father before that.

Fellhounds are hellish creations of Siroth, his beasts of war. As they pass, these vicious hounds leaving charred pawprints and the smell of sulphur behind. According to ancient legends, seeing one foretells the unfortunate observer’s imminent death. And, considering the sharpness of the fellhounds’ steel-like fangs, it is not hard to see why.

Yet those that somehow capture and tame the beast may take great advantage of their protective magic.

In his childhood, Gator’s magical ability was out of control - presenting a danger to himself and others. Were it not for a travelling magi belonging to the Coven, he would have likely killed himself with one failed spell or the other. But fate saw fit to give the young lizardman another chance and provide him with tutors open-minded enough to pass their knowledge to a creature many would not see as anything beyond a beast. Such good fortune was not wasted, and when Gator returned to his people, it was a full-fledged mage, well-versed in arts that not many shamans would dare to replicate.

The profane hierarchy of Siroth’s legions is not unlike that of the mortal nobility in Teleria. There is protocol, a certain twisted propriety in demonic dealings, there are ranks and titles. The Marquis and Marquesses stand high in this hierarchy, serving as tacticians and commanders of the Demonspawn hosts.

Some they there were mortals once, before Siroth’s servants came to Teleria. Driven by fear or ambition, a terrible pact has been made by the nobles to retain their status, yet at a dear price - their very souls. Servants of Lumaya say that any mortal to be foolish enough to sign such a pact lives on in torment, their consciousness entrapped in suffocating, eternal darkness. Survive they will, though most will - in time - beg for the release of death.

And yet there is never a lack of those who are willing to test these tales for the promise of power.

Skink was never particularly liked among his tribe, both due to his cunning nature and a knack for finding trouble. But he was still given an opportunity to serve in the vanguard of many raids - an honour given in the hopes that he would one day get himself killed. That, however, never happened, and Skink now commands the loyalty and respect of an ever-growing group of young warriors, much to the displeasure of his rivals. Skink believes that one day he shall overtake his detractors to become the greatest leader the Lizardmen tribes have ever known.

Born in the sewers of Ireth, the creature now know as the Slitherbrute, had to survive on scraps in the large city. Stealing meat and fish from the stands on the market, his luck soon ran out and his arm lost to an angered butcher’s hatchet. 

Doomed to die in the gutter, he has only survived due to luck and the kindness of his fellow destitutes. And in the end, life as a cripple toughened the lizardman and forged him into a relentless bute. Now grown and with his arm replaced by a crude and vicious blade, he is still said to terrorize the streets of Irith at times in search of the butcher who took his arm - but perhaps that is merely an urban legend born of the Slitherbrute’s terrifying appearance.

Oldbeards can live for hundreds of years, something that has given them their name. But while their bodies continue to grow even in extreme old age, their intellect stops developing early on in their adolescence. Though what they lack in wits, they readily make up for in sheer toughness.

17 січ. 2019, 16:4017.01.19

спасибо! отличные жутковатые герои!

17 січ. 2019, 19:4117.01.19
No mention of the gem price increase to go with new champ
17 січ. 2019, 20:1717.01.19

Простите, но герои никакие)
Только 1 норм

17 січ. 2019, 20:2317.01.19
Саппорт и собака, возможно, всплывут где-то. Остальные - якоря.
18 січ. 2019, 11:1418.01.19
18 січ. 2019, 11:27(відредаговано)
Thorkan said:

No mention of the gem price increase to go with new champ
Pack Prices are not part of the game mechanics and are not added to Patch Notes, and definitely not to the New Champion spotlights. But I am currently looking into this matter, and will give any information I can in the relevant thread.
19 січ. 2019, 11:5919.01.19

почему войд герой с аурой для героев силы?

что за новая фракция Lizerdmen?
21 січ. 2019, 11:1421.01.19

Особые ящеролюди из Омска, наверное.

Первого передал на рассмотрение, вторых на фикс описания в картинке. Спасибо!

27 лют. 2019, 19:4327.02.19
Every time I use Slitherbrute's 2nd Ability (steal buffs), while Slitherbrute has a buff that would be stolen (speed particularly), I am disconnected, lose the fight, and have to log in again.
28 лют. 2019, 08:5528.02.19
Talendris said:

Every time I use Slitherbrute's 2nd Ability (steal buffs), while Slitherbrute has a buff that would be stolen (speed particularly), I am disconnected, lose the fight, and have to log in again.
It's not just Slitherbrute, we are looking into the issue!
10 берез. 2019, 06:1310.03.19
hey plz add characters like vampires and werewolves to the game 
17 черв. 2019, 08:5017.06.19
How does Angar's Damage Reduction work? Is it limited to 10% max and is reduced to 0% every time he has a turn or does it stack (maximum 10% per turn) and could theoretically reach 100% in a very long fight?
17 черв. 2019, 20:1917.06.19
Thx, it's interest info, but will be grete if someone will post it in ua(ru) forum too. Sorry my eng not so good, but i gess u understend me)) sorry and thx again
26 лип. 2019, 00:0526.07.19
26 лип. 2019, 00:06(відредаговано)

маркиз это перс инвалид, а теперь обьясню

герой защиты стихии воид, а скиллы от атаки и аура на героев силы

29 верес. 2019, 00:4629.09.19

Good evening,

We already had our starting champions or any other rare that can farm, farming. We dont need a legendary that may farm food.

A legendary already equals going through a lot of time spent in the game, from our real life, daily. After all that having a couple shards and going through the low chance of getting a legendary.

After all that, it should be extremely good. Maybe compared to other legendaries there may be some better than others, of course. as with any other rarity.

But this character cant be a new farmer, its not bringing nothing new.

Even more being a void champion.

Plarium please hear this... you are smarter than this. Respect our time spent and all what we have to go through, to give us something way better.

A lot of us think you should make this champion way better. The fixes you did, fixed nothing relevant to change whats broken... considering its a Void Legendary and should rock our world in game.

Most of us dont have zillions of legendaries and all rares at lvl 60 fully ascended. most of us are struggly to even get to have one 60 due to the time required inside our cell phones in our daily life to grind everything.

For those that have several legendaries and have all that beef, it may not feel as it is for the most of us. 

Please take care of this and make it very good as  legendary should be.

Not in just one single thing, that may require pairing him with another type of character just to find one kind of usability... a legendary should be more than that by himself. way more than this.

hope you read this and do something, would be good to know you are. usually i dont bring my feedback. hope its taken care of. 


A living legend, Angar is not only a warrior of great strength and courage but is also known for his sharp tongue. Perhaps a bit uncommon for an orc, he values victory in the battle of words just as much as victory in the contest of arms.

Provoking his foes into mindless rage with barbed insults, Angar can easily make them forget about their tactics. While Angar himself prefers to keep a cool head in battle. He is known to gather grisly trophies such as skulls and bones of the slain. Some say it helps him to always remember the cost of men's folly and blind fury.

29 верес. 2019, 03:3129.09.19
Probably the simplest buff to Angar would be giving him provoke on his first skill. A little less simple buff would be to make his 2nd skill become a 4 hitting random move, add a 2 turn 60% defense boost onto it, or add a 2 turn immunity onto himself.
11 жовт. 2019, 10:5511.10.19
Wheres the list for the new champions? I cant find it, but in-game news feed says to come here to see the list/stats
11 жовт. 2019, 11:2911.10.19
Cant find it either. Its pretty exausting to look for every new hero in the game. Please make a list soon.
11 жовт. 2019, 12:1011.10.19

Hello! We will make a post about the champions that came out yesterday, only a little bit later. We are sorry about the delay.

Gateway inc said:

Wheres the list for the new champions? I cant find it, but in-game news feed says to come here to see the list/stats

11 жовт. 2019, 12:1011.10.19

deltree said:

Cant find it either. Its pretty exausting to look for every new hero in the game. Please make a list soon.

Since it was mainly Marius posting news beforehand, if there's a delay now, maybe he's on vacation? or responsible for another game (without informing the community)? or no longer in the company?