My BH members have asked multiple times if there was a way to purchase the blocks in smaller amounts also, they don't have the max amount of rubies that it takes to upgrade the bastion, but if they could contribute in smaller ruby amounts this would help the BH's out so much. I question the comment about abuse. I mean we have members that can't afford to buy large ruby packages, but when they do get 500 rubies or 1000, this would help the BH's . Since we don't get the Brotherhood Adventures anymore, just a couple a week now, the BH's aren't collecting the codexes that we should be when we had them everyday. So your forcing us to buy our upgrades, but to make a member spend 10-20k rubies himself, well we just can't afford to do that. You take the BA's away, and want us to buy them but we can't buy them in smaller amounts so most of us are just stuck. At least if a member could contribute 500-1000 rubies, that would help out the BH's. and Plarium would be selling rubies so it would be a win-win..