NavigatorNY said:
So in terms of defensive strategy, if I ever get attacked by fireship after fireship, presumably by an enemy who has nothing better to spend rubies on, and is too stupid to use craft and guile to attack, do I draw down all my resources, send every unit to the Harbor, and just hunker down and not try to be a Big boy and stand and fight?
Depends on who it is (how strong, which BH,...), how they play, etc. For example, some players will FS until they hit your Royal Cannon (meaning that there is no more def left) and then raid with overcharting. So, if you turtle most of your def, let them kill some scraps (so it looks like you didn't turtle, but they actually wasted your def), then wait for the incoming raid and defend... you get the idea. ;-) I killed the same guy's off twice that way. Double-digit millions.
Resources are not a primary concern here. You'll want to activate haven def bonus, prestige, def or off+def boosters, exp booster,... and all that with their troops already on their way (because you cannot know ahead if they'll actually send units).
One guy charted so much that my units returning from the harbour (15 sec + the time needed for clicking) were to be late, but there is a way around that too: boosts. Use the shortest one you have and it can save you those few valuable seconds.
Most of them, however, will be happy to have just killed your Cannon. Not much you can do against a chicken that dares not send real units, except FS them at random times and hit properly when you find something interesting out.
Then, some people will be shielded all the time. Then you can check them frequently and hit quickly when their shield is down. They tend to forget that they have a harbour, and you end up killing some very nice off, but it requires patience and dedication.
NavigatorNY said:
Then I rise from the harbor at midnight 2 weeks from that point, and I hit him back with everything, and maybe I get a friend to hit him 5 minutes after I do?
That, too, depends on who it is. For example, if they have prestige and lots of haven improvements (so, visual signs that any def you encounter will be heavily boosted), a hit might not be worth it.
You can start with a Fireship. Get a feel of what kind of units are there. They may FS you back (and confirm that they are on-line, so don't go for it then).
Also, "midnight" doesn't mean much. Not everyone lives in your timezone. ;-)
NavigatorNY said:
And, at what point do you raise shields in your battles with a determined enemy?
If you mean full or scouting protection, I've never used those.