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Difference between a Challenge and a War

Difference between a Challenge and a War

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25 листоп. 2015, 17:0525.11.15

Difference between a Challenge and a War


Do you and your Brotherhood know the difference between a Challenge and a War?

Here’s what ye need to know to be the wisest Captains on the Seven Seas.


- always lasts 7 days;

- restrictions for attacking Presidios do not change;

- there is NO way to cancel a Challenge once your opponent accepts it.


- the restrictions on attacking Presidios are lifted;

- lasts until one of the Brotherhoods cancels it;

- if a War is cancelled, Brotherhoods remain in the state of war for another three days;

- if Brotherhood A requests to end the War, but Brotherhood B doesn't reply to the request, Brotherhood A has the ability to cancel the process of finishing the War and continue it further;

- if Brotherhood A requests to end the War and Brotherhood B confirms it, the war will end.

During a Challenge or a War, your Brotherhood can earn points for the following actions:

- collecting Target Resources;

- killing enemy Units while defending;

- killing enemy Units while attacking;

- collecting Resources from enemy Havens;

- downgrading enemy Presidios.

Have ye ever declared War?

26 берез. 2016, 02:4826.03.16
Is the war limited to the 2 brotherhoods only? Or can a brotherhood have help from their allies?
28 берез. 2016, 14:5628.03.16
war is war, you can have your allies help you any time 
30 квіт. 2016, 21:0430.04.16

Data in our historical Archive has changed. we have waged 1 war against a quitter that attacked one day after accepting war then kicked everyone out of BH then self deleted a short while later.. needless to say we continued the war till we were ahead then ended it as winner. Because of unique circumstance of this person starting 2 wars we let the other BH finish their war first and waited to finish ours. 

For 3 months it showed we won the war with about 13,500 points vs 13,484

now 9 months later i see the archive changed with score 10,309 vs 13,484 points and states we lost war.

not that this actually matters.. but what the Heck???  the BH Flag and info is GONE.. and the BH MEMBERS SAYS ''NAN''

ALSO... we have won 4 out of 4 challenges and 1 of those has flag info Removed and BH Members changed to NAN... 

Shouldn't archives be permanent? I don't care that the BHs were disbanded or name changed.. the info should remain in perpetuity

again i guess it does not matter but Archives are supposed to keep the historical data intact.

SO Everyone should take Screen Shots of your archive if you want to keep an accurate record if it is not too late already..
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
5 трав. 2016, 12:0605.05.16

Cigneous said:

Data in our historical Archive has changed. we have waged 1 war against a quitter that attacked one day after accepting war then kicked everyone out of BH then self deleted a short while later.. needless to say we continued the war till we were ahead then ended it as winner. Because of unique circumstance of this person starting 2 wars we let the other BH finish their war first and waited to finish ours. 

For 3 months it showed we won the war with about 13,500 points vs 13,484

now 9 months later i see the archive changed with score 10,309 vs 13,484 points and states we lost war.

not that this actually matters.. but what the Heck???  the BH Flag and info is GONE.. and the BH MEMBERS SAYS ''NAN''

ALSO... we have won 4 out of 4 challenges and 1 of those has flag info Removed and BH Members changed to NAN... 

Shouldn't archives be permanent? I don't care that the BHs were disbanded or name changed.. the info should remain in perpetuity

again i guess it does not matter but Archives are supposed to keep the historical data intact.

SO Everyone should take Screen Shots of your archive if you want to keep an accurate record if it is not too late already..

Please be aware that such issues should be directed to the technical specialists from our Support Team. Unfortunately, we are unable to help you on Forum.

Please follow this link and submit a ticket: plrm.me/Plarium_Support.

6 жовт. 2016, 20:3906.10.16

Chicken is amazing

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
7 жовт. 2016, 09:4607.10.16
fireychickens said:

Chicken is amazing

10 жовт. 2016, 01:0010.10.16
fireychickens said:

Chicken is amazing

sure is!!!!  BBQ in some special pirate sauce tasty and yummy