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Manipulating Payout Types on prize wins.

Manipulating Payout Types on prize wins.

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4 квіт. 2018, 21:0504.04.18

Manipulating Payout Types on prize wins.

This is a speculation thread.

If you feel you are able to influence your prize payouts to give specific unit types please share with the class.

For example.  Before the changes that gave us a "win" on every prize I felt I was getting pretty good and hitting schooners, juggs, or SoL payouts when I knew it was close to cha-ching time.  When the artifacts appear I would move to highest level prizes for the payout.

Schooners:  I was adding gear units to my losses and making marine types the lowest losses.

Juggernaught: I would make ship of the line, and bombadier losses higher than juggernaught and cannoneer losses.

Ship of the Line:  I would make juggs and cannons higher than SoL and bombs.

Brigs and Frigs: Desired type lowest loss of fleet units. I would target my mid level prizes at payout time.

To win only offense only hit offensive prizes and lose offensive troop types.  Same for Defense.  

** Exception is the dragon and sapper payouts.

To win both offense and defense on every prize you lose both types on every prize.

Sometimes multiple artifacts drops will appear if you climb one level higher each time you receive one.

I've heard rumor if scouting class is amoung the dead they too will be in rewards. Anyone confirm winning scouting class troops?

It still seems that lighter losses in certain unit classes does affect payout types.  Has anyone else come up with similar data?  Have anything to add?

*it is assumed your resources are at limit unless you state otherwise in your post.
