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Brotherhood Bastion

Brotherhood Bastion

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Brotherhood Bastion

Brotherhood Bastion

Captains, if you have not yet built a Brotherhood Bastion, it is high time you do so!

In this guide, we’ve attempted to describe this new feature and the way it works in as much detail as we could. We hope it will be of help to you and your Brotherhoods!

“What is a Brotherhood Bastion?” you’d ask. Well, it is a base that a Brotherhood can build. It can be founded by Brotherhood Leaders for free with an option to select its location. The Brotherhood Bastion grants bonuses to the Brotherhood and its members.

Founding a Brotherhood Bastion

The option to found a Brotherhood Bastion is only available to Brotherhood Leaders if the Brotherhood Bastion is not built yet. The Brotherhood Bastion can be built for free.

When creating the Brotherhood Bastion, a Brotherhood Leader has to select its location.

The initial choice of the location is only available to Brotherhood Leaders.

The second choice of the Brotherhood Bastion’s location is available to Brotherhood Leaders and those who have Brotherhood Bastion management rights.

Please note that you will need special Bastion Relocator to be able to relocate your Brotherhood Bastion .

Brotherhood Bastion’s Purpose

The Brotherhood Bastion provides new opportunities called Knowledge. They will give bonuses to every Brotherhood Member. There will be both individual and Brotherhood Bonuses. In addition, they will extend your Brotherhood Influence! Every Knowledge can be upgraded to Level 20. Note that Knowledge is dependent upon the Level of the Brotherhood Bastion.

For example, let’s say your Brotherhood Bastion is upgraded to Level 10, and Knowledge is Level 10 as well. When the Brotherhood Bastion is downgraded to Level 9, the Knowledge will stay the same, but the bonus it gives is going to be Level 9 until the Brotherhood Bastion is upgraded back to Level 10. Upgrading Knowledge is not dependent upon the Level of your Brotherhood Bastion. In other words, even with an Brotherhood Bastion of Level 0 your Brotherhood can max out the Knowledge. Upgrading your Knowledge will require Codexe.

Attention - Presidios will not be replaced. They will stay in the game along with Brotherhood Bastions .

Managing your Brotherhood Bastion

Once your Leader has founded a Brotherhood Bastion, your Brotherhood can start upgrading it. The upgrade progress will be displayed in the “Info” tab of your Brotherhood Bastion as well as all the active bonuses your Units receive from the Brotherhood Bastion. You will be able to change your Brotherhood Bastion’s name there, too. In other words, using this tab, Captain, you will be able to keep track of all the Brotherhood Bastion affairs. There will also be a “Garrisons” tab where you will be able to see the number of Units defending the Brotherhood Bastion.

To upgrade your Brotherhood Bastion, you will need to go to the “Info” tab. This action can be performed by either the Brotherhood Leader or any other Brethrens that have the rights to do so. Please note that there are several conditions that have to be met for you to be able to upgrade your Brotherhood Bastion:

Your Brotherhood has a sufficient amount of Stone Blocks.

You captured the necessary amount of Presidios, and they are of certain Levels (those amounts will be different for different Levels).

Your Brotherhood has a certain position in the Rankings.

You have downgraded an enemy Brotherhood Bastion of a certain Level.

If the Brotherhood Leader is changed, the Brotherhood Bastion management rights go to the new Leader. The Brotherhood Bastion ceases to exist after the Brotherhood is dismissed.

If an Brotherhood Bastion is teleported, all Reinforcements that are on their way to the Brotherhood Bastion will return to the Havens of players that sent them.

Brotherhood Bastions can be added to Contacts.

Brotherhood Bastion Resources

There are two types of Resources: Stone Blocks and Codexes.

Stone Blocks are used to upgrade the Brotherhood Bastion. It can be received as Rewards in Tournaments or purchased with Rubies. Using Rubies you can only purchase the amount of Stone Blocks required to upgrade the Brotherhood Bastion to the next Level.

Codexes are required to upgrade Knowledge in the Brotherhood Bastion. It can also be received as Rewards in Brotherhood Missions or purchased with Rubies.

Please note that the Stone Blocks and Codexes earned in game challenges will go towards the Brotherhood’s balance, not your personal one. If a Captain quits the Brotherhood, Stone Blocks and Codexes earned by him will not be added to his balance. They will remain on the Brotherhood balance.

Brotherhood Bastion Downgrade

Captains, your Brotherhood Bastion can be downgraded if your rivals successfully attack it. So make sure it is well protected!

If another Brotherhood successfully attacks your Brotherhood Bastion while an upgrade is NOT in progress, your Brotherhood Bastion will be downgraded by one Level, and 50% of the Stone Blocks spent on the most recent upgrade will be returned to your Brotherhood.

If another Brotherhood manages to perform a successful attack on your Brotherhood Bastion while it is being upgraded, the upgrade will fail, and your Brotherhood Bastion will be downgraded by one Level. Your Brotherhood will get back 75% of the Stone Blocks spent on the attempted upgrade, as well as 50% of the Stone Blocks spent on the most recent successful upgrade.

The downgrade is impossible when your Brotherhood Bastion is at Level 5; in other words, once you reach Level 5, your enemies will not be able to downgrade your Brotherhood Bastion below that Level so you do not have to start upgrading it all over again.

Battle interactions

Captains may send Private and Massed Attacks against Brotherhood Bastions of rival Brotherhoods. An Attack is not a Raid or an Blockade; it is an assault with the purpose of killing Units. All battle actions work the same way as with Treasure Islands. Attack and Scouting attempts can be launched against a rival Brotherhood Bastions if it is not under protection. Attacks against Brotherhood Bastions cannot be sent by Captains that are not in a Brotherhood or by Brotherhoods that have no Brotherhood Bastion. It is important to mention that you will not be able to see the Attacks coming to your Brotherhood Bastion. You can send Reinforcements to your Brotherhood Bastion. Units lost in combat are placed in their owner’s Infirmary (regular rules apply).

Available Knowledge:

- Rum Consumption Reduction

- Unit Speed Increase

- Pirate Defense

- Mercenary Defense

- Fleet Defense

- Armada Defense

- Pirate Offense

- Mercenary Offense

- Fleet Offense

- Armada Offense

The Knowledge bonus only applies to the four basic Unit groups.

Limits and special features

Each Brotherhood can only have one Brotherhood Bastion.

Units move to the Brotherhood Bastion at the same speed as they do to Presidios (x24 times faster).

Protection against Attacks lasts for the first 24 hours after its creation. During that time, none of the Brethrens can Attack other Brotherhood Bastions.

The Brotherhood Bastion gets a 24-hour protection after it was downgraded. Additionally, it cannot be further downgraded for some time. Note: The Brotherhood Bastion can still be attacked.

Force Limits: Maximum Private Attack, Max Massed Attack are the same as attack on the Presidios (subject to change).

Important! Cadets will not be able to


visit Brotherhood Bastions;

interact with them (attack, scouting, send Reinforcements);

take advantage of the Brotherhood Bastion Bonuses.

Cadets will be able to see the Brotherhood Bastion on the Map.


Diplomacy determines interactions with the Brotherhood Bastion in the same way it does with the Presidios.

Players in friendly Brotherhood (Peace status) cannot attack each other’s Brotherhood Bastions.

Allies can attack your Brotherhood Bastion. Attack limits are standard.

Neutral players can attack your Brotherhood Bastion. Attack limits are standard.

Enemies can attack your Brotherhood Bastion. Attack limits are standard.

In a Challenge, players of the other Brotherhood can attack your Brotherhood Bastion. Attack limits are standard.

During War, players of the other Brotherhood can attack your Brotherhood Bastion. No Attack limits.

Good luck out there, Captains!

3 черв. 2016, 18:5903.06.16
3 черв. 2016, 19:19(відредаговано)

Upgrading a Bastion: are a combination of requirements necessary?

For example:

Do you need the required number of stone blocks AND need to downgrade a rival BH Bastion ? 


Can you upgrade from (example ) a lvl 8 Bastion to lvl 9 with the required number of stones ( w/o downgrading a rival Bastion ) OR

level up by downgrading a rival BH Bastion ( w/o having a minimum number of stone blocks )?

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
6 черв. 2016, 11:3006.06.16

tmikefitzpatrick said:

Upgrading a Bastion: are a combination of requirements necessary?

For example:

Do you need the required number of stone blocks AND need to downgrade a rival BH Bastion ? 


Can you upgrade from (example ) a lvl 8 Bastion to lvl 9 with the required number of stones ( w/o downgrading a rival Bastion ) OR

level up by downgrading a rival BH Bastion ( w/o having a minimum number of stone blocks )?


In your case you will need to downgrade a rival Bastion, and then you will be able to use Stone BLocks to upgrade your own Bastion.
5 верес. 2016, 12:0505.09.16

Hi another question on bastion:

To level up from 8 to 9 we need to hit and downgrade another bastion by 1 level.

If our bastion leveled 9 is attacked and downgraded we need to attack again another bastion to reach again the 9 level or we need only to rebuild with bricks?



5 верес. 2016, 17:1905.09.16
rebuild with bricks only 
7 верес. 2016, 17:4707.09.16
Another question: to level up bastion to 0 to 8 it's only necessary put bricks.. to grow it at 9 also hit another bastion.. any other level is asked hit another bastion (to up at 10 hit a level9; to up at 11 hit a level 10 and so on)?
7 верес. 2016, 22:5907.09.16

im just wondering when will we get the calculation for bastion defense, like we see for presids?

this is a huge matter for those who want to defend and to know whom is defending and  who isn't

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
8 верес. 2016, 11:3408.09.16
Blasphemy said:

im just wondering when will we get the calculation for bastion defense, like we see for presids?

this is a huge matter for those who want to defend and to know whom is defending and  who isn't

I've reminded our devs about it. They started working, but it seems like this task doesn't have the highest priority.
8 верес. 2016, 17:4708.09.16
8 верес. 2016, 17:47(відредаговано)
Again... I'm sorry but it's a new territory for me. I hit a bastion lvl 8 to raise mine at level 9, just after the attack they it my bastion and pull down it at level 7! Now I'm rebuilding the 8 level... to raise again at level 9 i need again another one time to attack another bastion?????
8 верес. 2016, 22:3408.09.16

you need defense in that bastion so when they attack it they can't knock it down

it's a wast to keep leveling it if you don't have the defense to guard it 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
9 верес. 2016, 09:0809.09.16
had said:

Again... I'm sorry but it's a new territory for me. I hit a bastion lvl 8 to raise mine at level 9, just after the attack they it my bastion and pull down it at level 7! Now I'm rebuilding the 8 level... to raise again at level 9 i need again another one time to attack another bastion?????
No, you won't have to. Once you completed this requirement, it stays.
12 верес. 2016, 17:4112.09.16

The game says: "you need to downgrade a Bastion of Level 8 or higher by 1 Level."

So I could attack Bastions starting to 8 and without upper level? Also lvl 10 - 11 -12?

Or I can hit and downgrade only bastion with +1 level (oe with -1 level)over mine?

So I could attack Bastions 8 and 10?

If the first way of read is the right way, i suggest to put a comma o rewrite the phrase...

"You need to downgrade a Bastion of Level 8 or higher, by 1 Level."

"You need to downgrade a Bastion by 1 Level, level 8 or higher."

If the second way is the right, i suggest to rewrite the phrase similar at:

"You need to downgrade a Bastion by 1 Level, level 8 or 1 level high than your."

13 верес. 2016, 16:4513.09.16
i think it is like if you downgrade 6 you can upgrade to 6 & s on.
6 груд. 2017, 09:0306.12.17
There is absolutely no point in having a bastion if you are in a small b/h because every time a bastion showdown comes around the top-ranking b/hs attack it and it is downgraded to level 0. There should be something in place to prevent the very high ranking b/hs downgrading the very small b/hs bastion - something like a tier level protection.Currently it is a no-contest situation and is just plain stupid to be honest.
6 груд. 2017, 12:0706.12.17
Perhaps there should be an extended period of protection provided when a bastion has been reduced to level 0 to at least allow a b/h to rebuild without worrying about the next bastion showdown in 3 (or whatever) weeks time.
6 груд. 2017, 19:1806.12.17
6 груд. 2017, 19:30(відредаговано)

ozzie_brian said:

Perhaps there should be an extended period of protection provided when a bastion has been reduced to level 0 to at least allow a b/h to rebuild without worrying about the next bastion showdown in 3 (or whatever) weeks time.

You need to spend rubies to get it to level 5 during a protection period after downgrade

If you don't have the rubies then wait until you do, or ask your brotherhood for help

It was a big mistake to build your bastion before you had enough to get it to level 5 within the first 24 hours, but you are not alone - many have made this mistake

Low level Bastions do have extra Crew Limit protection (100k instead of 200k) but it is no deterrent ...  best to keep your bastion empty and give them no reason to attack

Plarium claim that bastions are free, but many have discoved otherwise ..... they are incredibly expensive, especially if you attempt to upgrade beyond level 6

17 січ. 2018, 20:5217.01.18
Level 5 is a milestone level and once reached, the bastion can't be downgraded below 5. How about level 20- is that also a milestone?
18 січ. 2018, 13:4318.01.18
rweaver2001 said:

Level 5 is a milestone level and once reached, the bastion can't be downgraded below 5. How about level 20- is that also a milestone?
Level 5 is only milestone, Captain.
18 січ. 2018, 21:3118.01.18

rweaver2001 said:

Level 5 is a milestone level and once reached, the bastion can't be downgraded below 5. How about level 20- is that also a milestone?

One could then quickly ruby up (expensive, but only once) and then have level 20 without ever losing a single unit. :-)

25 квіт. 2018, 18:0225.04.18

Situation is like this: Bastion is on lvl 10 and request are stone blocks +  need to downgrade a Bastion of Level 9 or higher by 1 Level

So what that mean? 

- Do i need downgrade bastion only on lvl 9 & 10 and higher lvl don't make request fulfilled?

- Or higher by 1 lvl then my bh bastion which is on lvl 10 so mean that i need max lvl 11 downgrade and lvl 12 don't make request fulfilled?

Thanks in advance 
25 квіт. 2018, 18:1425.04.18

you need to downgrade a bastion of level 9 or higher to 1 level below what it was, so a succesfull downgrade. if you downgrade a lvl 18 bastion it also counts.

i agree that the discription is confusing.
