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New Building Levels

New Building Levels

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2 листоп. 2018, 16:0702.11.18

New Building Levels

New Building Levels

Upgrade Now And Get Powerful Bonuses


You can now upgrade your Buildings even further to get outstanding Bonuses.

Here's what you need to know:

- Upgrade your Harbor to increase its storage capacity.

- Upgrade your Warehouses and Rum Cellars to store an unlimited amount of Resources (Gold, Lumber, Rum) that were not produced in your Haven.

- Get even more Bonuses to the Defensive stats of the Units you send to Targets.

What are you waiting for? Boost your Haven and crew now.

Captain "Bonnie" Anne O'Malley

3 листоп. 2018, 08:4603.11.18
3 листоп. 2018, 08:48(відредаговано)

I wonder if a side effect of that is you win a ton of resources on prizes instead of ships.....with reference to  - Upgrade your Warehouses and Rum Cellars to store an unlimited amount of Resources (Gold, Lumber, Rum) that were not produced in your Haven.

3 листоп. 2018, 10:4303.11.18
sadly I think your right
3 листоп. 2018, 10:5003.11.18

Anne Bonnie said:

New Building Levels

Upgrade Now And Get Powerful Bonuses

- Get even more Bonuses to the Defensive stats of the Units you send to Targets.

What are you waiting for? Boost your Haven and crew now.

Really ? 

To be frank with you dear Bonnie, we had some wonderful 5 years. But now the pirates seem to retire and settle in farmville. Sorry but we were pirates, and sorry, maybe I am still the only one here, I still want to be a pirate.

BUT, I am not  a Don Quixote. As there are for sure many big money players out there, who will spend a ton of etchings for this level 30 yards and mines, and even boost these to get them done in next few days. So shall I go on and waste my time to raid some dead old havens for resources, and to get a big player, YES I have to be a bug user, as most of us evil captains. We reported this 50+k-send-galleons-bug about 4 years ago, and still no fix or change in game.. btw. why not do it with etchings to get more resources home .. we are pirates remember not Bob the builder..

So  back to Don Q .. if I send my troops on an attack, I might hit a big money player, who spent such a tone of etchings, such that he got all yards and mines at level 30, I will hit a 5 times 5% for the yards and another 25% for the mines, without any other boosts.. yes here just another reported bug, 25% and another 25% is NOT 50%.. it should be more than that, more like 56%, (w/o out other boosts.) So he will get just nice add on to all his troops, just because he is a nice guy, who send you a few $s.

I am not sure yet, however right now, it seems to be the right time to retire for me too, but not as farmer and not in this game.. anymore.

.. maybe.. now is just the right time to hit some bot-users, as this bot using is also ok with you.. or I am wondering, do they just have like 50 alts and play them all together with their kids ?

However, thank you for the last 5 years.

3 листоп. 2018, 11:0803.11.18

Prizes... I think it's wrong that they ever give resources. Replacing units with resources is not a reward, it's a punishment. And if you get rum, with your own rum being in deep negative, it's also a plain old rip-off. IMO, prizes should only give units, or stop being called "prizes".

Btw, @Kahless, I agree with most of what you wrote, but "raid some dead old havens for resources" is not exactly "piratey". No risk, no fight,... it's just a different way of farming. Don't get me wrong, I do it too, I just don't consider it an act of piracy and better than the "Farmville approach".

I'll try to upgrade my lumberyards, possibly goldmines too, not for the production, but for the small units strength bonus that this gives.

4 листоп. 2018, 14:5804.11.18
I think it is a shame that they keep giving out these supposed "upgrades," but we STILL cannot get friend requests in the game module, having to go back to the browser to pick them up.  Granted, there is no financial benefit to Plarium for adding this function, but it is still a part of the game for building a brotherhood.  Perhaps they are wanting us to all play as individuals, rather than as a team.  They have known about this shortcoming for a long time now, yet have done nothing about it.  
6 листоп. 2018, 02:0406.11.18

the real problem is all the rules and limits that created competition has been removed. All under the guise of not fair to the money spenders.

more resources more room stronger units but the non spending players cant risk their units because they have not increased the rate the units are trained. 

Also the brotherhoods should be able to work together and defeat a money player... but no there is now no limit to how much a money player can spend and send in a mass attack, One money player can defeat 150 players..... 

Who wants to compete with credit cards....what kind of game is this?

but I do agree when this game did have rules and limits it was alot of fun
6 листоп. 2018, 10:0306.11.18

i myself think that as crowbar said as a result of the latest upgrades, if they do not stop giving resources on the prizes then i see no point in competing in them because as was said it is a punishment , how can resources be classed as a prize? once again only the guys with big wallets win again. the other point i would like to make is, training speed is some thing i have complained about for a long time, i myself have had my waiting time for troops up to 450 days, we put all our resources into trying to compete in getting some troops to give a good fight. but only to be disappointed to wait months for them to be trained. i cannot see the point in trying to compete any more they are making it more and more difficult. unless you have a very big bank balance

25 січ. 2019, 03:5925.01.19

This is great!!! Unfortunately Plarium forgot that the cost of upgrade sketches is so out of control, it will cost several thousands of dollars to collect the amounts you need if you have the money to buy your way in or your alternative is to take years to reach the achivements 1 sketch at a time. You are asking for thousands with each upgrade level.

I do not buy anything from Plarium anymore, for just this very reason. I understand it is a business and they are out for the $$$$, but you have to take care of the people and players that helped get you where you are and in cases like this you are not.

It is up to everyone but I can wait to get to lvl 32 I see no advantages except to be ready to have to expand to 40 or 48 after I get to 32.....play the game for the game and you can play it happily without buying any rubies and spending money. 
26 січ. 2019, 19:2226.01.19
Magua, it may not be worth while to upgrade some of the building to the new levels as you get penalized for it, like the warehouses & rum cellers will hurt you in prize pay offs.  I've no idea if this was intentional or a glitch, so If it were me I'd look very  closely at what & how much I upgrade anything beyond L-25.  good luck and pleasant sailing.
27 січ. 2019, 03:1427.01.19

ElDevildog said:

Magua, it may not be worth while to upgrade some of the building to the new levels as you get penalized for it, like the warehouses & rum cellers will hurt you in prize pay offs.  I've no idea if this was intentional or a glitch, so If it were me I'd look very  closely at what & how much I upgrade anything beyond L-25.  good luck and pleasant sailing.

Could you explain this. Not sure what you mean by warehouses and rum cellars hurting you as far as prizes are concerned. Thanks.
27 січ. 2019, 08:5827.01.19

awmllr said:

Could you explain this. Not sure what you mean by warehouses and rum cellars hurting you as far as prizes are concerned. Thanks.

When you get a "reward" on a prize, you get units and/or resources. Resources, as I wrote before, are a punishment really, not a reward, and many people feel the same. Since these res that you win are capped with what your WH/Cellar can currently hold, many players will go after prizes with their WHs and Cellars full, so - in case they get resources - they don't get much (and then they get more units).

Now, if your WH/Cellar hold a lot, this becomes a problem: it's harder to fill them up (especially Cellars if you're in a big rum negative). It gets worse when one of them reaches the max. level: there are no limits, so you can get only res, even on the biggest payouts. Taking the amount of units needed for big level prizes, this can turn months or even years worth of units production back to res, effectively taking that time away from you.

27 січ. 2019, 22:0127.01.19
Thanks Crowbar. So as long as my rum cellar is full I should get only units as before. But, since you raised the question, I was wondering what would happen when my rum cellar reaches level 27 in 2 weeks. Since it is supposed to be for unlimited rum not produced in my haven, will I start getting rum in place of units? That would be counter productive to doing prizes.
27 січ. 2019, 22:1127.01.19

awmllr said:

Thanks Crowbar. So as long as my rum cellar is full I should get only units as before.

Warehouses too, not just your Cellars.

awmllr said:

But, since you raised the question, I was wondering what would happen when my rum cellar reaches level 27 in 2 weeks. Since it is supposed to be for unlimited rum not produced in my haven, will I start getting rum in place of units? That would be counter productive to doing prizes.

You won't start getting only rum. Like now, you'll get units and/or res. However, when you do get res, there will be no upper limit to its amount, so you could end up wasting millions of units only to get back their worth in res. I wrote that here:

Crowbar said:

It gets worse when one of them reaches the max. level: there are no limits, so you can get only res, even on the biggest payouts.

IMO, res should be removed as a "reward" in prizes, and I told that to Plarium, but I'm not optimistic about it.

27 січ. 2019, 22:2627.01.19
Thanks. I'll get a payout soon as I'm negative 80 million now, and will quit prizes. If you hear of any change or find that payout will still be all units, please post.