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Update on Unique Brotherhood Logos

Update on Unique Brotherhood Logos

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11 черв. 2018, 11:5811.06.18

Update on Unique Brotherhood Logos


We have some update on Unique Brotherhood Logos that were obtainable by completing certain Brotherhood Achievements.

As the number of Brotherhoods in the game increases, we are getting more and more new requests to create a Unique Logo. Furthermore, we have received a significant amount of negative feedback from our players whose Unique Logos had to be delayed.

Of course, we would love if it was possible to create logos faster but, unfortunately, the situation has shown that delays are inevitable. We fully understand that such enormous delays are not OK, and we don't want to provide service that does not meet the expectations of our players. That's why we were forced to make several difficult decisions. And now it's time to announce them:

1. We are going to stop accepting Unique Brotherhood Logo requests after June 25st, 2018.

We understand that some Brotherhoods are very close to complete the requirements, that’s why you have two weeks to reach the finish line and submit your request. Please contact our Support Team with the screenshot of your Brotherhood Achievements https://plariumsupport.zendesk.com/hc/requests/new?ticket_form_id=114094017452

2. All the Brotherhoods that are waiting for their Unique Brotherhood Logos will be given a choice to either wait for their Unique Logo (currently ETA can be 8-10 months or more) or receive a pack of precious Items instead.

Please accept our apologies for this situation and enduring such a long wait. We are sure that your Brotherhood will find new challenges in the game!

13 черв. 2018, 14:0513.06.18
13 черв. 2018, 14:07(відредаговано)

what the hell , WHY?! 

what is the point playing the game when you take final goal from it ? 

two weeks notice - for killing how much Presidios ? is this some kind of a joke ?

10+ months for implementing one stupid little picture ????????

please accept that me and my brotherhood  DON'T accept your apologies for removing the most important thing in the game for us who play it for this long ....and what is next  ? troops that can raid our harbor (with enough money! ) ?  or removing harbor ? 

shame on you Plarium ! 

incompetence at the highest level !

14 черв. 2018, 00:0914.06.18
14 черв. 2018, 00:27(відредаговано)

Anne Bonnie said:

1. We are going to stop accepting Unique Brotherhood Logo requests after June 25st, 2018.

We understand that some Brotherhoods are very close to complete the requirements, that’s why you have two weeks to reach the finish line and submit your request.

This is by far the worst carrot you have removed from the game. TWO WEEKS!?!? That is impossible and you could just as easily remove that now and have the same impact.

According to your wiki, these are the requirements.

  • Conquerors Level 5
  • Empire Builders Level 5
  • Masters of The Seven Seas Level 7
  • Sea Wolves Level 8
  • The King’s Men Level 5
  • Dread Pirates Level 3
  • Brothers In Arms Level 9
  • Merciless Souls Level 5

14 черв. 2018, 00:2614.06.18

Hell Cats, which continues to be one of the strongest and best brotherhoods in the game, exists on the Pirate Bay server. We're the closest to the requirements for the custom flag, and reviewing our stats you are giving us TWO WEEKS to do the following:

  • Defeat 213490 Armada Units (not including Flying Dutchmen) at enemy Presidios.
  • Downgrade 382 presidio levels
This is ludicrous.

15 черв. 2018, 09:4915.06.18
If we can design our own custom flag, you supply the specs etc (putting less work on your graphic department), can we get an extension on the deadline? 
15 черв. 2018, 20:1915.06.18
15 черв. 2018, 20:21(відредаговано)
I wasn't even tryin' to get one but I think it stinks that some BH's will be allowed to have them and all new BH's after the change will be forever Ship O'Lined out of the picture.   Boo Hiss!
16 черв. 2018, 16:2516.06.18

Anne Bonnie/Plarium.
What has the amount of brotherhoods in game got to do with the unique brotherhood logo or requests for one? There is a clear list of requirements what a brotherhood need to have achieved first. If the amount of requests from brotherhoods not qualifying is too big, this ought to be easy to fix, create the site so everyone has to check the requirements first before proceeding. Shouldn't be rocket science.

The Pirate Bay server doesn't have even ONE brotherhood qualifying for this. Not even close to it if looking at how long time it takes to do all of the required achievements.

I have hard time to believe the situation would be really that much different on the two other servers. Few unique brotherhood logos already exist there but.. the waiting time being 8-10 months sounds like there would be closer to what.. tens.. or a hundred waiting for a new logo?? Seriously? How long can it take to create a unique logo with today's softwares. 

I would never have thought to agree with NightMare on something but seems we share same view on this particular topic.

Plarium - you might want to give this another look, the reasons you have given sound both lame and fictitious.