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We have released a new version of GameHQ, our mobile forum application!

We have released a new version of GameHQ, our mobile forum application!

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12 квіт. 2018, 13:5912.04.18

We have released a new version of GameHQ, our mobile forum application!


We have released a new version of GameHQ, our mobile forum application. The newest version is more convenient and useful than ever before.

Our developers have prepared these release notes to guide you through the most important points:

- Thread and topic update icons have been added.

- You can now see information about recent messages from the list of threads.

- All information regarding your current version of the app can be viewed from the “About” menu.

- Display improvements. Images can now be viewed full screen with one tap.

- A Google Analytics component within the app has been updated. Additional user permissions are now required. You can find more information here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/android/data-cloud/google-messaging/remote-notifications-with-gcm

To experience these great new features, you’ll need to update GameHQ to the latest version. If you haven’t yet installed the app, you can do so from the App Store or Google Play.

We’d love to know your thoughts and feedback on GameHQ - let us know on this thread! 

26 квіт. 2018, 20:5826.04.18

Bring back the real Anne Bonnie

This information is crap & non helpful

few responses