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11 верес. 2022, 12:1811.09.22

alchemist's shop

Hello everybody

Can someone tell me where I can see the effect of Endurance lvl 12 Defense mercenaries that may give an extra bonus of 16% for pirate, mercenary and fleet defense and 32 % for armada defense.

When I want to buy submarine, the stats are :

pirate defene 400 + 85%

mercebary defense : 500 + 85%

fleet defense : 600 + 85%

armada defense : 860 + 85%

The 85 % is : 

60% for hydrodynamics lvl 30

5% for brotherhood achievements and

20% for brotherhood bastion knowledge bonus.

Thank you for your answers.

Best regards.

11 верес. 2022, 19:1311.09.22

"Endurance" is a "defensive Mercenaries" potion. It means it adds defensive strength to defensive Mercenaries. For example, if you check Grenadiers, you should see actra bonus of 16% against Pirates, Mercenaries, and Fleet, and 32% against Armada.

I hope this helps. If it's still unlear, feel free to ask and I'll try top explain it better.

14 верес. 2022, 16:0914.09.22
14 верес. 2022, 16:26(відредаговано)


Thank you for your answer. But I don't see the extra bonus. If I want to buy Grenadier, the defense stats is :

- pirate defense 130 + 83%

- mercenary defense 170 + 83%

- fleet defense 170 + 83%

- armada defense 130 + 83%

The extra bonus of 83 % is :

58% for bursting shells lvl. 29

5% brotherhood achievements

20% brotherhood bastion knowledge bonus.

I haven't seen the extra bonus of 16%

Can someone add an image where the bonus of endurance appears ?

14 верес. 2022, 19:0914.09.22

It sounds like you are looking at the right place.

I don't use "Endurance", but I do have "Swiftness" for "Defensive Armada" and my Subs look like this:


If you really are looking at that for Mercs and "Endurance", then it might be some sort of a glitch and someone would probably need to look inside your account. I cannot do that (mods are just your friendly neighbourhood players, not Plarium staff), but the Support can. You can raise a ticket here. I advise being detailed. You can include a link to this topic, but don't rely on them reading this. Explain it as if this topic does not exist.

22 верес. 2022, 07:2322.09.22


Here is the detail for a submarine. You can see that I don't have bonus from resistance


22 верес. 2022, 10:5922.09.22
22 верес. 2022, 11:00(відредаговано)

"Resistance" is "Defensive Pirates" (see above, below the title "Resistance lvl. 12"). So, look at Bonnies, Skirmishers, Sappers, or Chinese troops, i.e., defensive Pirate troops.

I showed you Submarines because I am using "Swiftness", which is for "Defensive Armada" (i.e., Submarines and Nautili). Submarines are not "Pirates", so "Resistance" won't affect them.

Does this clear it up?

26 верес. 2022, 10:3726.09.22


I don't understand. Resistance lvl 12 should give an extra bonus of 20% to pirates and mercenary and 40% to fleet and armada.

I see this extra bonus on bonnie's beauties and skirmisher but not on grenadier, cuirassier, submarine ..

Can someone give me explanations ?

Thank you very much.


26 верес. 2022, 17:4226.09.22

Eva, look at "Unit Type" (the very first line in your second and third screenshot): Bonnies are "Pirates", but Grenadiers are "Mercenaries".

This is confusing, because all of them are supposed to be pirates (since it's a pirate game), but when discussing units, you actually have 6 of these types, and "Pirates" is just one of them (the weakest one).

If you go to your Tavern, you have 4 trainable types as the tabs at the top of the window:


If you click on "Pirates", you get to train Pirates (i.e., Marauders (offensive Pirates), Bonnies and Skirmishers (defensive Pirates), Buccaneers (again offensive Pirates), etc). If you click on "Mercenaries" (often referred to as "Mercs"), you get to train Mercenaries (like Grenadiers, which are defensive Mercs) which are NOT considered "Pirates".

I hope that this helps you understand it now. If it's still confusing, ask away and I'll try to clear up any confusion that remains.