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Cancling a "send ressources" now really cost 300 rubies after 30 sec. ?

Cancling a "send ressources" now really cost 300 rubies after 30 sec. ?

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20 лют. 2022, 12:2220.02.22

Cancling a "send ressources" now really cost 300 rubies after 30 sec. ?

Ahoy Plarium,

I ve notieced that after years a cancling of "send ressources" really cost the 300 rubies now.

There was this warning over the last years, however my rubies count was never touched due to this warning. Today I saw that is, I dont want do reproduce the problem for posting an screenshoot, however if you want me to do that, I will post one.

Just let me know, if that is now just a ficked bug and that is how it should be, or if it is an real bug.. and the warning message is wrong.

Thank you, Kahless

21 лют. 2022, 02:0921.02.22

Sorry, I cannot reproduce it. I took screenshots of my instant recalls and of my rubies, I sent 50k lumber to a nearby haven, I waited 45s, I cancelled the shipment, and I checked the new state of my instant recalls and rubies. Neither of the counters have changed and my res were returned to me.

If you can record a video of this bug happening (so it's seen that less than 50s has passed before you cancelled the shipment), it would help a lot. You probably won't want to publish your rubies, but we can find a way for you to send me that in private.

One thing that may have happened is if you cancelled the same shipment twice (second time before the first one was actually accepted). I never checked this, but I always suspected that it spends an instant recall (which costs 300 rubies if you don't already have one). So, if you're trying to reproduce it, make sure you click the cancel button once, and only once.

21 лют. 2022, 10:0621.02.22

Thank you Crowbar,

However I have problems with recording a video, I might be able to do that next week as I am on an road trip this week.

I ve checked the cancling again, and it is not that instant recall. I have waited for about 90 secs and then hit the cancel. It looks to me, if I get the 300 rubies warning message, if have to pay them. As I wrote, it is not a big problem, however the warning is for real now :-)

I will try to not run into that time window again. If it pops up, I will rather not abort the mission again. 300 rubies, I can buy many rum for that ;-)

21 лют. 2022, 14:3721.02.22

I don't get it... why 90s? Free cancels can be done only in the first 50s (which is why I waited 45s to verify your report).


13 січ. 2023, 23:2413.01.23

The same issue happened with me, 

   I would click my belay but it would not work so I had to use an instant recal. It turned out that my mouse was doing a double click, I would belay my ships but it would not work so I ended up using a instant recal. I think Crowbar is correct that it's a time related thing, once I bought a new mouse the issue was solved.

   This also happend in taking pardons, I would would click to take my pardons and ended up taking them twice. (how I noticed my mouse failing)

Hope this helped