Unit strength when defending a friendly haven
Does anyone know what the strength of your units are when they are sent to a friendly haven as reinforcements? And does only the friendly player have to activate his prestige or do i have to activate prestige myself too for my units to be stronger?
And what about relics/potions; do i have to put in the relics/potions for the bonusses when i am defending another haven, or does the player that is defending have to set the relics/potions and do they then count for all units?
In short: do my units keep my strength, or are they defending with the strength that the friendly havens units have?
For example: Player 1 sends 500 subs level 5 to Player 2, whose subs have level 18.
Do the 500 subs then defend his haven as level 18 subs or do they defend the friendly players haven as lvl 5 subs?
And what strength do the units have when they defend a bastion or presidio?