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closing an account?

closing an account?

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17 лип. 2020, 13:1617.07.20

closing an account?

Where can I get a responce from Plarium to this Question?

IF I close an account for Pirates Tides of Fortune through the link provided, Will that close ALL plarium accounts/games linked to the email address that I have used for PToF? 

17 лип. 2020, 16:4317.07.20

I believe so, but I'll ask, just to be sure. However, I won't get an answer before Monday. Sorry for the inconvenience.

20 лип. 2020, 13:1820.07.20
21 лип. 2020, 10:15(відредаговано)

Yes. Deleting your profile on the portal deletes you from ALL the games here.

You will get a confirmation email with a link to restore (for a while, of course; at some point, the data is destroyed), should you change your mind.

Note that your heaven will remain, with avatar, and haven/player names reset to something generic (I think "Haven #" and "Deleted user").

20 лип. 2020, 18:3820.07.20


Thanks for the info,

I thougt it would be worth asking the question as people might well accidently delete their accounts in other Plarium games if they did indeed close one account in one game. Shame this is so as all game profiles would be lost and Plarium would loose a member from them all as well. After investing time money building these accounts I'm sure they would be most upset. shout a few expleteives and just walk away.

Shame this is the case I would recomend that if one game on the Plarium platform was to be deleted it should not affect all game accounts.

If someone realy wants to close ALL game accounts they should be able to delete them in each game.

Still I guess it is what it is.

20 лип. 2020, 19:2020.07.20

First, since there is a "restore" option, there shouldn't really be a problem. Of course, I wouldn't try it with my own acc without a real need for it, but it is a failsafe.

Second, notice this thing I wrote above:

Note that your heaven will remain, with avatar, and haven/player names reset to something generic (I think "Haven #" and "Deleted user").

So, if you just want to stop playing one game, do so. Deleting your acc won't kill your haven anyway, i.e., for that one game deleting your acc is the same as just not playing it. What deleting of the acc does that's truly different from "just not playing" is deleting the data that Plarium has on you (after the grace period for "restore"), which I believe is the reason why it's an "all or nothing" system.

I hope you find this to be a satisfactory explanation.

21 лип. 2020, 10:2021.07.20


Thanks for the update.

As you say since there is a "restore" option. Will that if used "restore" all the various games that get deleted and will they be restored with all the previously purchased and aquired equipment, resourses, boosts, buildings, Knowledge etc?

The point is many people who play other Plarium games may dip into PToF find its not as enthralling as the other games and delete it only to find all the other games gone when they log in..........

Surely Plarium can see this would be a problem and one that invites complaints.  If they made the option to delete one game at a time there would "be no problem"

Like I said It is what it is and I dont suppose Anyone will address this.

No need for a reply, I know you have done your best.


15 серп. 2020, 17:3115.08.20
15 серп. 2020, 17:45(відредаговано)

I think you suggested is a very nice thing, sir. But i do not expect them to think about it.

I've heard some of their ... parasite ... uses that account recovery mode to get their hands on deleted accounts. So it's like you wont be leaving this place ever, you'll just handover your account to them by deleting yourself

Not sure, maybe just a rumor ?? or why they delete account from all games at once ?

The only reason i not deleting myself, even though i hate PToF

Surely we can try ruining/use up everything of our in-game profile and then delete it, but wont matter much. (cause most buildings even do not have that destroy option) What they want most(even more then money?!) is ... active accounts for their website. Dose not matter if it be real or alt/fake or scripted?! whatever it be.

Apologizes if i have said something wrong

15 серп. 2020, 21:5015.08.20

Victoria said:

I've heard some of their ... parasite ... uses that account recovery mode to get their hands on deleted accounts. So it's like you wont be leaving this place ever, you'll just handover your account to them by deleting yourself 

So, you're saying that when you delete your account, your havens are taken over by someone in cahoots with Plarium? Because... why? Plarium needs your havens for this because they cannot make any number of them?

Plarium literally controls all the data, which is all that our havens are. Their dev could easily make a million fully built havens (or clones of any specific one), likely in a matter of seconds. It's is really nothing more than populating their database with some data, which is easy to script if you have access.

Also, it's easier to prepare the haven exactly to your specs than leech off someone else's.

So, I really see no need for a grand conspiracy that would've been all too easy to notice (a friend you know deleted suddenly becomes active should be an easy spot), even if they wanted to pull a scam like that.

Victoria said:

Not sure, maybe just a rumor ?? or why they delete account from all games at once ?

If only someone offered a sensible explanation in one of the posts above... :-P

16 серп. 2020, 01:0216.08.20
16 серп. 2020, 01:57(відредаговано)

Oh my, i thought you were done posting here. But thanks you already said directly what i was not saying. That million fully built havens can be made in seconds if have access to script ...

Is the game not gone that way already ?? Anyways, shall not argue about it here. I only wanted to help SPITT, by telling him that delete account button is just a useless thing made for players who are too emotional about it. It is not made to help literary.

If i am wrong, tell me, why it dose not take away all existence of that player who deletes their account ? why their haven still floating on the sea ? just calling self as User deleted ?? same would've happened to their haven if they just quit without deleting, not ? and about name ... if feels necessary they can just change name into ''user deleted'' before going ... lol

Besides thanks to Plarium, we can always change our names anytime we want great ....  and if i am utterly wrong about everything, just explain what's the actual purpose of that delete option ?

16 серп. 2020, 01:5016.08.20

Victoria said:

Oh my, i thought you were done posting here. But thanks you already said directly what i was not saying. That million fully built havens can be made in seconds if have access to script ... 

I didn't say script. I said database (a script is just what they'd use to achieve that). So, it would need to be an inside job.

Because of the nature of web based games, you could script it too, but then it would be mere automatism of your clicking, and you'd be constrained by build times and resource requirements.

Victoria said:

If i am wrong, tell me, why it dose not take away all existence of that player who deletes their account ? why their haven still floating on sea ?

So there are havens to raid (which active players desire) and - this is my guess - so that these havens remain a part of statistics on how "active" the games are. Further, it could also be an emotional blackmail, for those players who might want to leave, but they do not want their enemies to be able to raid their abandoned havens.

Victoria said:

Besides thanks to Plarium, we can always change our names anytime we want .... and if i am utterly wrong about everything, just explain what's the actual purpose of that delete option ?

Legal. By GDPR, you have the right to require any company (that wants to do business with the EU) to delete all of your data when they no longer have legal justification to keep it. So, you request that by "deleting" your account, they keep your data for some grace period to let you get back on the game if you change your mind, and after that your data is gone. Hence the "User deleted", as your name (real or chosen) would've been part of your data.

It's so boring when it's not a conspiracy theory, isn't it? :-P

16 серп. 2020, 02:0916.08.20
16 серп. 2020, 08:56(відредаговано)

well, you just saying the same thing everytime what i saying. key part is  "delete user button is useless" and it is indeed giving the account only to Plarium either it be for the active players to raid or it will be recovered later by someone else as i shared.

But whatever it be, not making any difference between quitting normally and using delete button to quit, is it ?

And of conspiracy theory. do not mind me, i read it a lot books and many oldster had that same view ... jew people loves making conspiracy. Wait a minute, what country company Plarium is ? (that you are trying to defend) :P

We dont need to argue there i guess, or we'll have to go back all the way, why Kabam  sent PToF to Plarium .... we should instead help SPITT by talking about the user deleted thing. SPITT suggested some change to that facility. I also shared what i think may been bit attractive to players, but it will never happen for sure. Defend Plarium, can you make it look useful ?

or will you say it's just made to blackmail players ? then the oldsters would be right once again!

Have you ever used user delete button for any of your alts, Rich ?

16 серп. 2020, 11:2916.08.20

Victoria said:

But whatever it be, not making any difference between quitting normally and using delete button to quit, is it ?

If you don't care who has your data, then no.

Victoria said:

We dont need to argue there i guess, or we'll have to go back all the way, why Kabam sent PToF to Plarium ....

When arguing, it is useful to know the facts. P:ToF was always Plarium's and Kabam was just a platform it was running on, so Kabam didn't send anything to Plarium. Instead, Plarium decide to move from that Platform to their own portal. I could speculate about their reasons, but I don't know them, nor do I really care about that.

Victoria said:

or will you say it's just made to blackmail players ?

That's one of my guesses. I'm pretty sure I would've quit by now (the first time I wanted to do so was when I was way under level 50) if I could've removed my haven.