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No one can hack this game... Or the rules only apply to some.

No one can hack this game... Or the rules only apply to some.

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28 лют. 2020, 18:0128.02.20

No one can hack this game... Or the rules only apply to some.

Siren Server... Today, 2/28/2020... 

Time of 5 raids, amount taken from me,  ships raided with...

05:01   100,000  50 Daggers

05:03     50,000  30 Daggers 

05:05     50,000  30 Daggers

05:06     50,000  30 Daggers

05:08     38,899  30 Daggers

Raided by Yovan who sits at -60, -19

My Haven is at 406, 36

Odd aspect is, the raids show zero time to get to me

The five raids...

Raid one ^

Raid two ^

Raid three ^

Raid four ^

Raid five and I am out of res for him to take.

So what do I expect to happen? Nothing but a run around from Plarium because they can not be hacked, scripts can't be used, the game is perfect in all ways.

I see many accusations with no proof. Here is the proof. Your game is compromised and how any others has this clown used his hack on?

Oh, sorry, the game can't be hacked.

You have the server, you have the time, you have both coordinates. I would like my res back and this guy banned. lol, lol, lol, excuse me, lol, lol, lol. In my wildest dreams. 

How much does he pay y'all to get away with this, makes one wonder, eh?

28 лют. 2020, 19:2028.02.20
Az. said:

Siren Server... Today, 2/28/2020... 

Time of 5 raids, amount taken from me,  ships raided with...

05:01   100,000  50 Daggers

05:03     50,000  30 Daggers 

05:05     50,000  30 Daggers

05:06     50,000  30 Daggers

05:08     38,899  30 Daggers

Raided by Yovan who sits at -60, -19

My Haven is at 406, 36

Odd aspect is, the raids show zero time to get to me

The five raids...

How much does he pay y'all to get away with this, makes one wonder, eh?

More than you.
12 берез. 2020, 04:3212.03.20
12 берез. 2020, 04:40(відредаговано)

I have known about this since 2016.. not a hack.. as I thought it was.. lol.. I was such a noob.. 
don't feel bad.. I still feel like a noob.. harrr 

the same way you "Push A Raid" by sending 50K resource in galleons and recall asap after raid hits to get  100,000
you can get more as long as you have more raids left to do     
 you can send over and over  "PUSHING 50K Gals" to get more back.. anyone can do it 

**Az. said:

Siren Server... Today, 2/28/2020...

Odd aspect is, the raids show zero time to get to me**

 you been playing since 2016..surprised at your surprise

you failed to say if he scouted.. if he knew amount of your resources he could just send all the raids one after another..

push, recall, push recall,, etc,

only solution - spend resources down & level up harbor for resource protection enough to last until you play again
or raid them back and use same trick.. but I bet they spent it.. lol

unless it is all gold & lumber..

it is rarely done except when they are being personal & trying to punish you
usually it is better to get 100K for every raid..

Been a Long Time all.. hope you all are healthy.. Here's hoping we all survive COVID 19