I'm unsure what you want us to do with a partial report and no other info.
However, I can offer a theory: his RC was already down. Two guards up would be what I'd expect his Friends to raise, the units I see could've easily been produced since the attack that took his RC down (that Fleet can be trained in about 12h). Could've also returned from somewhere, but the numbers feel way too thin.
Did you scout him after you FSed him, to check if there's anything left there? Or, at least, followed up with a single FS to check the same thing? Not more than 1 unit of each type would've popped up if you FSed him within 2.5 minutes after the hit above if it's just his production (i.e., if the 10-pack you've sent killed everything).
As far as the fireships go. I was only allowed to send 5 times. I received around 100--0 points for other FS's. I never knocked the cannon down. Its the same problem I still have. Im not getting the points. I don't know how to clipboard the screenshots yet. I will try to learn before I send any more messages. Thank You for your patience with my ignorance.
PlovePLOVE said:
As far as the fireships go. I was only allowed to send 5 times. I received around 100--0 points for other FS's. I never knocked the cannon down.
The cannon may have been down from before.
If the player is inactive, the points get divided by a constant that depends on the length of inactivity.
Anyway, let's see what Plarium will say about the above.
PLOVE said:
I don't know how to clipboard the screenshots yet. I will try to learn before I send any more messages.
You posted a screenshot here:
PLOVE said:
Im not getting the points I should from battles with other players. http://prntscr.com/sjdg6i . Can this be fixed ? Its been going on for about 3 months now.
Just do the same thing.
PLOVE said:
I just wanted to say THANK YOU Crowbar and Plarium !!!! I'm getting all my points now :)
The main reason for getting reduced points is killing offense units insted of defense units
Only 315 marauders are needed to stop a fireship, but you will get terrible points becuse they only have weak defense values.
40 offense x 315 marauders = 12,600 fireship strength
Marauders only have 6.75 defense so we SHOULD be able to kill 1867, not 315 with each fireship
We complained years ago that offense units were allowed to use their offense stats to defend against fireships, but were using their defense stats when calculating pvp points
Plarium want it both ways
My fireships are almost worthless. I'm playing Pirates Tides Of Fortune on sirens Straits. My cords are x: 561 ; y :-309
Im only getting 40 points and not killing off all the troops. Scout http://prntscr.com/6n8mm
Fireship http://prntscr.com.t6n91f
This has been going on for about 4 weeks. I never get more than 40 points no matter what is there. Its the same problem I used to have on Pirates bay. Could you please fix this for me ?
Your first screenshot is not loading.
However, this looks ok to me. You are killing Brigs, which are off units [see what Snowgoon wrote above].
So, when hit by FSs, it's their basic off score that's relevant, not their def one. Basic off of a Brig is 720, so you kill 12600/720 = 17.5 ~ 18 of them. Looks fine to me.
As for points, because these Brigs are defending, their basic average def is relevant. For Brigs, that's (80+100+100+80)/4 = 90. So, your points are 17.5 * 90 / 40 = 39.375 ~ 40.
That's why I always say that - if you want to defend at all - off is much better against Fireships than def. Of course, that has other problems. See here. This is also why I use Marauders - not Bonnies - as envoys in friendly havens: to reduce points anyone gets when hitting them with Fireships.
If you find only or mostly off somewhere, don't use Fireships. Send proper off and chart it.
I didn't get any free troops in the infirmary after this raid. http://prntscr.com/t7r7p2 , and http://prntscr.com/t7r79w . I'm playing Pirates Tides of Fortune on Sirens Straits . My chords are x : 561 ; y : -309 .
I haven't received my brotherhood quests in about a year either. Could you please fix this ?
Thank You
PloveYou get free revivals only for your own units lost in the battles at your own haven (so, only for the units you lost defending your haven): https://prnt.sc/t7vdp6 .
As for BH quests, please report here.