CHELSEA09 said:
My dear CROWBAR, since you are a Plarium moderator.......
...and a regular player. I am allowed to have opinions that don't affect my actions here (and I took none, so it's a trivial case).
CHELSEA09 said:
I apologize to you, but "Grizzlies do not waste time bragging, they silently just do." stands... YOU MISS READ MY POSTS & YOU TOOK THE STATEMENT OUT OF CONTEXT... That statement was not in my first post, it was in response to impostor Shiv and his remarks concerning Insane Grizzly Raiders 3 on the Russia board. Guess you did not have your cup of coffee in the morning.
The bragging (the second quote in my post) was taken from your first post. Scroll up and see for yourself. Second paragraph.
CHELSEA09 said:
Do you honestly play this game? And you do not know the game term "take out" or "took out" ?
I know that that you cannot "take someone out" in this game, so I was naturally wondering what you mean by that.
I played a game where you can do that. Literally: they lose everything they've built, there are no paid revivals (or just very, VERY limited ones, which amounts to a bit more than nothing), their buildings all gone,... and the game is limited to 10 month rounds. You beat them there, and they are truly "taken out".
Here, you can beat them badly, but they can still revive with money and/or patience, and chickening out is still their choice, not your doing (you may have helped, of course).
CHELSEA09 said:
OK, the term " take out " or "took out" in the game is when one player is so victorious over another player in battle, the loser decides to leave the game. Now, I just wonder how many players have decided to leave the game because actions of "take out" or "took out" by the RuAL Family of brotherhoods.
If he wanted to stay, he would've bought back 70% of his units. Why he chose to leave, I cannot know. I never heard of the guy until you mentioned him.
CHELSEA09 said:
PS Your PS statement is improper and offensive. As a player I do not play this game so you can learn and experiment....Please do not experiment on me as a player. Seems to me a big NO NO for a moderator.
Explaining that I have no interest nor connections with either side in this discussion because I play on a different map (s2, also known as "The Golden Coast"), while using a haven on your map (s1, also known as "The Pirate Bay") for learning and experiments? How is that "improper and offensive"?
A personal (i.e., non-mod) opinion: you're an angry one, lashing out at anyone who speaks to you with a slightest hint of disagreement. As a player, I wouldn't like a person like you as a leader (i.e., I don't think you're doing yourself favours in terms of attracting new players), but as a mod, I still wish you and your BH good luck.