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Storm Riders Looking for Members!

Storm Riders Looking for Members!

19 серп. 2015, 03:0819.08.15

Storm Riders Looking for Members!

Greetings to all!

My name is Starless, one of the Advisors of a Very popular, up and coming, powerful clan on Nords.

We are looking for Active members, that want to be part of something special. To be part of a clan that strives on team work, communication, tactics, and a Desire to be Recognized among Every Other Clan. 

The level you must be is 40, a level that can easily be achieved... and if you want to be part of this clan, it will be all well worth it.

We also communicate on a Free program called, "Team Speak".

If anybody has a question or anything, please e mail me, Or please feel free to post your questions/comments here.

*The picture above was taken by  Skald, assistant of King Bjorn, as Storm Riders were training to attack Certain Enemy Clans.

19 серп. 2015, 03:3519.08.15
Wow Silver, what big arms u have. Wow, Starless, what big ears you have.  Wow, Destroyer, what big teeth you have.  Wow, Gabstar what big.......XXXXX   ;-)
19 серп. 2015, 03:3719.08.15

turbomaster74 said:

Wow Silver, what big arms u have. Wow, Starless, what big ears you have.  Wow, Destroyer, what big teeth you have.  Wow, Gabstar what big.......XXXXX   ;-)

Oh ...my... ... grrr

*claps hands*

Come On Now!! Focus !
19 серп. 2015, 13:2519.08.15

I do not know what's funnier, little stars post or the comments

but I don't think I have laughed from a post in a while, thanks guys lolz

22 серп. 2015, 07:2122.08.15
On a serious note.  Activity is a must.  We love that daily firedrake award we get.  If you are looking for a good, organized clan, where we are all brothers and sisters with a GROUCHY MOTHER.  You have found the right page.  GO STORM RIDERS!!!!
22 серп. 2015, 07:3022.08.15
22 серп. 2015, 07:36(відредаговано)

LOL, Yeah! Ride that Lighting Bolt Of DOOM!

"When the Wind and Cloud Combine, the Fish with Golden Scales Becomes a Dragon!"

Way to go, "Fisharefriends".

25 серп. 2015, 17:2725.08.15
Most definitely the best recruiting post thus far:)  
17 верес. 2015, 07:4517.09.15

We have bumped the Clan Level Requirement to 50 Plus.  Experienced players please inquire.  If you are just starting out, please feel free to join our sister clan SR2.  If you have any questions message me at coordinates -134, -74.

SRS Advisor

Destroyer of Al

31 берез. 2016, 01:3031.03.16

WOW! This is blast from the past :)

SRS is still Recruiting of course ... We are an OBELISK clan and looking for VERY active players (minimum lvl 65+) who are willing to train and send defense to our obelisks. Please MSG me (Mattius) in game for an invite.

Storm Riders operates under the philosophy of equally contributing to all clan tasks such as clan missions, clan tournaments and obelisk defense.

We have a fun environment with plenty of friendly , helpful clan mates to assist with resources or castle defense.

Instead of getting ravaged by the storms of war, join us and ride above the rest!

28 берез. 2017, 16:5328.03.17
22 лип. 2017, 07:11(відредаговано)

The Storm Family of clans has expanded!

To join our main clan we require level 70+ and 2.8 million DEF as a minimum guideline... Storm Riders (SRS) has been a top clan for over a year and held FIRST place for much of that time. We require all SRS members to remain active, communicate and defend our obelisks. one benefit of being in SRS is you automatically get a 5% OFF and 5% DEF bonus JUST for being a member (thanks to our achievements) - we also have ample elixers for those willing to send DEF to our obelisks. (quota for veteran players starts at 40,000 per day) 

Storm Bringers (SBG) is our second clan and requires level 60+ and 500K DEF to join. SBG is a bit more relaxed and is a great place to join and learn the game under the guidance of experienced Nords players. All SBG members can qualify to join our main clan by simply working towards the minimum join requirements :) -- SBG members enjoy a 3% OFF and 3% DEF bonus
30 лип. 2018, 05:1430.07.18


I wonder how SRS has done with out one of it's top members there.......

Do I dare go back and take a Peek??
7 листоп. 2018, 02:0507.11.18


SRS , SBG and now Storm Chasers (SCH) are doing very well. Thank you for your concern.

Anyone looking for a SOLID clan that can withstand the test of time should seriously consider the Storm Clans! SRS has been number one clan for the longest of any clan EVER on Nords! We have wiped our enemies off the map (RIP Flying Dutchmen, Takoyaki, Magie and now Malum Ignis) -- We are able to accomplish this through our legendary team work! All SRS members pull their weight, so if a big player does leave for whatever reason, we still have 99% left. Players come and go as thier game play needs change, but what will NOT change for the forseeable future is the strength of the storm!

Forget the rest, join the BEST!

7 листоп. 2018, 02:1107.11.18

We have three clans to choose from depending on your play style:

Storm Riders (SRS): We are mainly an obelisk clan but also have many members with HUGE armies. If you like a bit of OB drama, elixers and playing in an elite clan which supports each other, then SRS is your place to be. We ask that you have at least 6 million DEF to join and level 75 as a minimum entry requirement. All members enjoy 5% OFF and DEF bonus! and SRS places very well in most pvp tourneys and we usually get full multipliers on BG and OB tourneys -- anyone paying attention to our many feasts will have noticed that 80% of the top 100 OFF rankings were SRS/SBG players - we work as a team!

Storm Bringers (SBG): Our second clan is mostly OFF and with a mandate to limit OBs to between 3-5 at most. SBG has climbed up the ranks over the past few months from 22nd place to 8th place! If you like hitting stuff and making it go BOOM, then consider SBG. We ask that you have at least 3 million DEF to join and a minimum level of 60-- as with SRS, all members get a full 5% OFF and DEF bonus to all troops just for being part of our clan. SBG also places in top 3 for most tourneys and works as a team!

Storm Chasers (SCH): Our third clan is still newer and growing but its a great place to start! Storm Chasers has NO troop or level requirements. All that we ask is that you log in once every 3 days, respect our rules and fellow players and of course, HAVE FUN!

Please msg Storm Ruler and we will find a place for you in the storm family of clans!

7 листоп. 2018, 07:1507.11.18

No. 1 clan?? Clan with most OBs yes, BUT when was the last time SRS or SBG won a clan tournament? Thats the true measure of a clan's strength. 

You're so stupid I bet you actually believe the trash you're spewing. Yeah, look for members to help you out, a storm is coming right at you fool.

7 листоп. 2018, 08:3507.11.18
fknA funny..best comedy of the year.
10 листоп. 2018, 10:4810.11.18

Gday Katsam!

While I agree with you that Clan tourneys are a measure of strength, YOUR clan cheats by hitting it's own defense in those "caves" Orero is so fond of. So you would waste a boatload of troops JUST to take first spot? Every tourney has a sweet spot and you cannot be first in everything! SRS/SBG peform VERY well and have done so for almost three years -- TOP 3 of any clan event is a respectable outcome.

the TRUE measure of clans strength is co-operating, assisting each other withs troops/resources etc and accomplishing mutual goals and the Storm Clans are the undisputed number one in that area!

We have withstood EVERYTHING that your pitiful alliance (TK,777,MI) has thrown at us and we are still standing after billions of OFF landed on our OBs. and SRS/SBG and allies have wiped everyone of your OBs (33 in total) off the map, never to be seen again. 

Our clan stats are near record levels so Bring It big boy!

15 листоп. 2018, 10:3515.11.18
You rely on your slave coiners zinzano & ninjini and we rely on our smarts. To each his own, eh?