taxi27 said:
I read manual and still i cant collect any battle marks points ,
i have 5 and i don't know how i got them.
can some one explain step by step how to collect battle marks??????????????
Because you can only win them in global tournaments (events) as explained in the last alinea in my screenshot. Read that please.
So start the event, gain points and win battle marks. That is the only way. If you played good in the event you get them as reward.
So you can not collect battle marks.... You can only WIN them as REWARD in EVENTS.
taxi27 said:
I read manual and still i cant collect any battle marks points ,
i have 5 and i don't know how i got them.
can some one explain step by step how to collect battle marks??????????????
you have to join in and do the events the solo and clan tournaments to get more battle marks,
work with your clan and try and get as many points as possible these add up the better you do the more points, and the better reward you get
good luck