jason4eg 7 квіт. 2016, 22:3207.04.1605.11.1419381TIER II SCROLLSStill have 900+ tier II scrolls I bought the day before the change that seem to have no use any more.Are they ever going to have a use? Can we not get them converted to tier I scrolls?
Hell Dog23 квіт. 2016, 07:3223.04.1627.07.1515Scrolls 2 i got 11k of them seems i am stuck with those.Also stuck with 15 purple northman keysmaybe some day i can trade ore do somting with it
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager25 квіт. 2016, 13:5125.04.1617.09.158278Unfortunately, we're not planning to convert them.