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Suggestion for the game creators

Suggestion for the game creators

2 груд. 2015, 07:5502.12.15

Suggestion for the game creators

Hello Nords creators,

I want to suggest you to create more achievement milestones in this game. It is fun to reach for individual achievements.

There is plenty of ideas for new achievements, for example:

- gather/exchange magic 1k, 5k, 10k, 100k... 

- paticipation in clan missions 100, 500, 1000... times

- kill elite units 100, 500, 1000 ... units

- hire hexbeards 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11

- claim gifts from King Bjorn 100, 500, 1000...

- complete battlegrounds 10, 30, 50, 70...

My list could continue further, but I think you got the idea.

P.S. We still need at least 1 more building. Do you need suggestions for that?


3 груд. 2015, 17:4203.12.15

Hello, player!

Actually, we are thinking about adding more personal achievements to the game! And your topic will be very helpful. 

I'm thinking about creating a separated topic, where other players would suggest different personal achievements and might be implement some of them to the game

12 квіт. 2016, 00:2412.04.16
I am really upset at the creators of this game. I found out tonight that someone started the game for me on 03/27/2016. I did not start playing until 04/10/2016 which meant I should have been protected from high level attackers but on my second day of playing 04/11/2016 I was attacked by a level 70 player and lost all my offensive and defensive armies. How did this happen? What can I do about it? The people that created this program apparently left holes or ways of bypassing the beginning defense of beginning players. This is the fourth game I have played by this company and have had all four sets of attackers and defenders destroyed by not knowing all the rules and work-arounds. If I sound angry and frustrated it is because I am and feedback from the company has been lacking. There are no start overs or alternate ways of starting a new game. I think exceptions should be made if caused by technical difficulties or failure of the instructions to impart critical information, such as attacking and defending armies in the keep will be destroyed if attacked by a large enough enemy force regardless of defenses.
13 квіт. 2016, 08:5413.04.16

Lord Marshal, if you just started the game, you may be attacked only by new players or players whom you attacked before. If you feel that something is wrong, please get in touch with our Support team, they will check this situation.

13 квіт. 2016, 14:1913.04.16

brunsonthomas said:

I am really upset at the creators of this game. I found out tonight that someone started the game for me on 03/27/2016. I did not start playing until 04/10/2016 which meant I should have been protected from high level attackers but on my second day of playing 04/11/2016 I was attacked by a level 70 player and lost all my offensive and defensive armies. How did this happen? What can I do about it? The people that created this program apparently left holes or ways of bypassing the beginning defense of beginning players. This is the fourth game I have played by this company and have had all four sets of attackers and defenders destroyed by not knowing all the rules and work-arounds. If I sound angry and frustrated it is because I am and feedback from the company has been lacking. There are no start overs or alternate ways of starting a new game. I think exceptions should be made if caused by technical difficulties or failure of the instructions to impart critical information, such as attacking and defending armies in the keep will be destroyed if attacked by a large enough enemy force regardless of defenses.

You can startbuy always making sure you put your troops in the catacombs 

no matter who is raiding you, plus make sure you never leave resources out t o be raided,

they either want easy pvp which is your troops they are killing or your resources...

another good thing is keep upgrading your catacombs, this helps if you get raided while oo line, it protects so much of your resources

another thing, get into a good clan, one that will train you and help you in the game

Plarium games are set up that nothing is set by level , a level 80 can be just as week as a level 40

it's all strategy of thinking skills 

Good luck on the game