Game Improvements
First of all, I have been here since the second week the game was out.
Things I notice: GLOBAL CHAT is dead. Clan chat even in the top rated clans has died down from what it was the first year of the game. Less people are willing to stay longer than 30 minutes to an hour per session. Basically, they do their builds. gather resources and leave.
Things I believe have contributed to loss of active players.
1. Battleground logic - Restore the initial mechanics of battle grounds. They were more in favor of the player. There was a real chance tie increase the size of forces.
2. Troop build times were slowed down - Increase build time speeds either back to where they were or even faster. People like to play when the can make large armies under their own power instead of having to buy them.
3. Allow us to build extra builds on all those empty squares in our keeps. Let the player choose the type of the available options.
4. Bring the raid count back to the initial amount. Players used to have to conduct spy missions and research to make the rankings and to get the most for their raids. Now, with the amount so high, they just raid in actives.
DestroyerMaster UNI