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The Black Wizard

The Black Wizard

28 жовт. 2016, 19:4328.10.16

The Black Wizard

There is no way to get Lairwatchers?

Or maybe you want to have more of them?

The Black Wizard is a Unit that robs Strongholds of Lairwatchers!

Would you like such a Unit to be in your army?

29 жовт. 2016, 00:4329.10.16
So these Black Wizards are bought or earned? If bought then rich players could buy some and rob all the rest of those cheap skate free players of their hard earned Lairwatchers? Yup smart move drive off all those free players and make this a super P2W game. If its earned that too would be fine too. Those hardcore players who spend 24/7 in this game can have a bunch of these Black Wizards and steal Lairwatchers from those rich snob players. Which way you look at it its a good idea this game needs to stir some dust up its getting to stale.  
29 жовт. 2016, 20:3329.10.16

Well yeah i would like to steal lair watchers and i would hate to have mine stolen. If that black wizard unit comes i sense noone will ever buy lair watchers from the black market any more but focus on units that can not be stolen.

Personally i think i wouldn't get far with the black wizard. Most lair watchers are stationed at Obelisks and these are usually defended so well that all my black wizards would eventually die before they get close to a lair watcher anyways...