👻 Spooky season is in full swing, and so are our exclusive offers in the Mech Arena Store! Enjoy three new resource packs and celebrate Halloween by treating your Squad:
🔗 https://plrm.info/3YrQH05
🔥 Make sure to log into your MA Store account with your Plarium ID to access these resource packs at the best price.
🕚 These offers are valid from October 18 to 6:00 AM UTC October 21, 2024!
Don’t know how to set up your account? 👇🏻
🔗 https://plrm.info/faq-mech-arena-store
Vocês precisam sobreviver, por isso tantas ofertas com valores absurdos, mas parece que SÓ PENSAM EM ARRECADAR e não prestigiar os jogadores. Eventos sempre banais, de baixa remuneração para o jogador casual, mas "ofertas" sempre tem. No fim, vence quem mais investe; e com isso, o jogo perde seu encanto. Valorize o jogo e os jogadores, pois sem nos, vocês não tem NADA.
Всім ку, дорогі розробники я дуже ціную гру, але булоб круто щоб ви прибрали ботів, без ботів буде цікавіше грати, так пошук буде довше але з реальнми гравцями краще грати, та й намайгайтесь заочохувати гравців заходити та грати кожен день, й апніть зброю fusion canon, сподіваюсь будуть промокоди (:
I can't afford to buy much, so I just grind to get A-Coins and other items as events come up. Would be nice if promo codes would be used more to give stuff to exiting players (most were only for new players). I do as many events as possible.
One question: Plarium said they'd send out compensation to everyone for Downtime in September, but never saw anything sent after the outage. Did I miss something?
Eh im my opinion you guys should focus less on shop deals and focus more on the players that cant afford it and grant more xp goals such as mechs and whatnot. That should make it less pay to win and more balanced. The derby event is fine but it takes an awful long time to complete once you get beyond arachnos. The way you had it before with mechs being in the xp bar was gold. we need balance not shop deals