there is 0% logic to have unlimited bonus scalling damage.
They did 0 internal tests ...
Since x months, there is OP bots (zephyr snipers for exemple) that deleted already so much fun from game they never fix it. It cleary show to me that they didn't even play their game
Bot should be a way to start a game but not be a threat like a real players
T3 arena released clan after 1 month of released game. and when you are high ranked there is no bot at all but you have to wait 1min 30 to have a game (this is a good system)
Here ? Still nothing about 1 year, still bot sucks with ultra sniping with worst fun mech (zephyr), still no FFA, no Clan vs Clan, nothing
But we have new skins, heroes, weapons to buy .... i have lost all faith on that company and I advise all newcomers to fully undertand what that mean to spend money (like I did, i have a garage 6400) for worst and worst fun. I have, then, supported a company that i really think at that time was good and made a very amazing game.
Since the release, it was worst and worst, from fun bots to insane bots, new cash shop mandatory system (the truth is you can't match whales without legendry pilots and maxxed mech/implants/weapons due to scalling of raw stats system),
and we get in echange of that : nothing dev news( FFA, clan, bots fix), only things to buy again again and again, one map from time to time ...
Be aware before spending money on that company like i did :
After 6000 power, you fight only alone, there is 99% of time 0 player on normal games, but with full bots that snipe from OP computerlaser targeting system + Zephyr skills that block you when you manage to dodge that snipe just to give them time to reload. They use pilots we dont even have. lol imagine what the dev test ? Nothing.
Bots should just be a way to start a game due to lack of players, but not be a pain to deal with because they are strongers that human players brain.
I was aware of some friends that told me that plarium was very greedy with 0 love for players, i have understand now.
Orion is the perfect exemple : YOU CAN DEAL 601K damage.
that is more than 4x the maximun healh for a maxxed tank. It means that they did 0 test, nothing, they just release OP things that YOU HAVE TO BUY in order to keep competitive. like old time chinese company marketing policy for mobiles market.
To be competitive for what? there is no more players in my garage range, only bots that delete of fun of my games.
Be aware before spending money on that company like i did , you will only meet a company that don't give you any faith on their promises, developement etc