The End - 2022/8/254 трав. 2022, 11:3404.05.2225.02.2242Zep Cheating?For 2 consecutive games, I were stunned by Zep with more than 30m. I checked that they had no +radius implant. Both use Zep + AT + jester + Blue AT DMG Implant and AT Range. So it is a bug or they are cheating?
DutyClaus4 трав. 2022, 20:0004.05.2214.09.20134Go to tv tropes dot org and look up the computer is a cheating basta(no- banned) and do a quick study. You might learn something. There are so many ways in which computers can do stuff that you can't even in chess games for some reason. I've also written many points on how they cheat.
lilbuttacup4 трав. 2022, 23:5404.05.2225.07.20185there's a implant that boosts zephyrs ability range. i think it's legendary so good luck getting one
The End - 2022/8/255 трав. 2022, 02:2205.05.225 трав. 2022, 02:28(відредаговано)25.02.2242No. They are players and have no such implant. I checked that. Or there is a bug if Zep is using AT, Jester They can stun me at around 31-32.