SCAMMER name variations (only post new scammer names) and links
Let's keep this post "clean". What I mean is, let's not post replies (this brings it up top in the forums) unless we spot new names, or links*, for the Devs to look at to ban.
This way, when the post goes on top, the Devs will know a new name/link* variation has occurred.
*I would suggest is to not type actual links here, but post a screenshot of the links. Or, at least, type something like ww w. me ch are na 5. us (that's one of their new links, by the way, but without the spaces). Wouldn't want to give them free, easy, search-engine friendly links people can click.
Scammers are trying to be tricky. ADMIN is now changed to ADMlN (that "i" in "admin" is actually a lowercase "L").
------ new names to ban below ------
ADMlN - player ID is 35747690
STSTEM - player ID is 35822121
Devs, perhaps if you implement a game chat rule of: those who are under a certain squad power, and/or Division, they can't post links (or just ban "www". In all my time chatting, I don't think I've ever posted a link, nor been given a link). That way, the scammers, at least, have to spend time ranking up, instead of just creating a brand new account immediately to start spamming again. I don't know if programming-wise that is feasible or easy. But make it so it's too time consuming or frustrating to try.
Again, I think banning the actual link might be the easiest way to go at the moment. I see they're adding the name 5 now since it's season 5, to try to look legit.