@Aimbot, I pay for stuff in the game sometimes and no this issue has to do with the AI players. It's insane what the AI is doing, it is in no way comparable to a human player, even a really good one. It is just is very good.
For example, if any AI is armed with the Thermal Lance, you'll notice immediately that as soon as it has eyeline on you it will shoot, it won't expand the full weapons load but take like 1000 hp of your bot, so when you try and attack another bot they just straight up win, since that minor fraction is all that mattered. Basically all the AI robots, and I'm starting to catalog their "fake names" work in a co-ordinated way, like a single person controling 5 robots in a strategy.
Recently I've noticed that Killshot from the enemy AI will do the following;
1. Never get frozen by Cheetas forcefield
2. Drive perfectly around it
3. Will bust through it if it knows it can kill you - and not be frozen from doing so
4. Killshot vs. Killshot - Your user operated killshot has 80% chance of missing theirs, their Killshot only need to dash "near" you visibly in order for your Robot to explode and take critical damage.
In game design there is a concept called a "hitbox" I think human hitboxes were increased in numerical area while AI hitboxes on the enemy team have shrunk.
Also I've not played a single battle since the update, where my "teammates" perfectly block the line of fire of RPGs, MissleRacks, LongArms or such that at least two or three shots do not reach the enemy, no idea why they behave this way, it's very easy to program out. In deathmatch battles it could mean the difference between 10/11 loss or 11/10 win.
Also the "your teams AI" - and you can observe this in CPC (Control Point Clash) - if all your mechs are dead as you watch the rest of your team, it will like go next to a control point, then do a 180 degree without capturing it, or attempting to, because of threat or needing to hide or engage an enemy, so I think in general AI prioritizes line of sight enemy mechs over capturing the control point, and as the seconds run and time accumulates, Boom "you've lost" - which means a lot more in CPC then in just "Kill Count" in a deathmatch or HEATS.
I highly suspect since most AI vs. AI kills and damage happen "off camera" or outside your view when playing they are not necessarily actually played, but rather calculated out as the game is set up from a single persons POV.
Also Enemy AI knows without seeing your Mech if you're reloaded and if you can or cannot use your ability. This is not something a human player can see unless they're looking at the mech, and the ability is something not known to the human player at all.
SUMMARY: I highly highly recommend that ALL AI players be labeled transparently in the game, instead of trying to blend them with human players in an opaque way.