Disc launcher 12 crate rush sucks
We have 1/4 to 1/3 the chance to get the weapon this time. We have reduced chances to get the original credits and a-coins prizes with new prizes in this category at lower amounts. Same with fortune keys. And reduced amount of rare blueprints. From 300 down to 20, with the exception of ares which is 40. I know 300 is too much and would be the same amount as uncommon blueprints but come on. Give me 100 or so. 20 is no more than the zephyr blueprints in the prize pool, or exotic blueprints.
In the first crate rush I got some credits and a good amount of blueprints at least. This time only a couple fortune keys and a measly amount of blueprints. And I don't expect the weapon to be super common but starting at 1.2% chance and going up to 1.5% still isn't common. 0.3-0.5 is ass. In conclusion, disc launcher 12 crate rush sucks.