This is my last post here but some answers would be appreciated
It's a shame there isn't more interaction here as Discord and FB are a full of a bunch of noise and F2P complainers.
BUT... they clearly have some legitimate reasons to complain about the Matchmaking. After the recent update either you guys made some changes or something else has gotten jacked up.
I have made several posts on here about mismatches where I play tournament and I get 1 ( ONE ) human on the other team that is 2xs my squad power. The answer I seem to keep getting is "yeah, that player is way out of the realm for what is normal at their level but... the matchmaker evens things out with the AI levels". I am really holding back on what I feel like saying but that is bull.
AI does not make up the difference in that situation. AI is dumb and reckless... it doesn't think and it doesn't care about winning or losing. SO it really comes down to the humans in the game and when one of them clearly overpowers the other the scales are not even remotely what one might call "placed in an even position".
SO - this is the latest mismatch I just experienced and it would be super nice if someone could come on here and explain if this is the way you believe this should work. Clearly if it is working as intended then you are trying to crush players into submission.
His ID is #12430030 - go ahead and check out his hangar... has all the expensive toys and all leveled up 6 stars with several pink.
Look... the funny thing here is you are beating up players like myself that will spend money. I am not spending this dudes type of money which literally has to be approaching 1500.00+ USD based on the amount of stuff he has but I have dumped about $200 into your game over the last 1.5-2 months since I downloaded it... i would probably end up being the type of player that would be happy spending $500 a year because I enjoy the game and competition.
You are pushing me though to reconsider if you care about the more casual spender - Honestly, I don't consider my financial commitment to a game casual. I'm essentially willing to spend the same amount as the top end console system would cost me on some silly mobile game.
Wake up and fix your stuff guys... it's broken and people are getting pissed off. Forget about the F2p whiners... they don't get to complain if they never spend a dime on the game. I get to complain though and I think I should get an answer better than what I have gotten so far.