Javelin/killshot ruin everything
Lets face it there is no nerf that would fix them i can sit in 1 spot the whole game with my killshot 1 shot anyone who comes close. the absolute worse case scenario and the only way to kill me is if i get board enough to go out from my hideout to cap a beacon and they spawn right infront of me as im capturing a beacon which 1 jump back behind a building and im safe again wow got my heart racing for a whole 10 seconds. problem seems simple i have is ive tried to ignore them play something else that requires skill and what do you know i run into a killshot with javelins lol its hopeless just ban them or i can assure you my 12+kills per game will have others rage quitting or buying the exact same setup and we can all be camping with our killshots seems like the fun exciting game right...nvm