Implant explanation please.
So if i understand correctly, (but i hope i don't) implants for a specific weapon type that doesn't align with the weapon type the pilot uses, will not work? if so that really isn't good and will only make the game less fun.
And another change i'm wondering about is about the damage boost, does this change mean both weapon damage boosts are unified into one that works for a specific weapon type? for example a barrage weapon will get a damage boost from a pilot that is made for such weapons, but artiler weapons won't get the neutral damage boost the pilot originally had?
I'm asking since this whole thing doesn't seem to be well done at all, and will only have a negative effect on the game. since it means that people who use 2 types of weapons on a singular mech will be at a major disadvantage.
edit: i do have a question other than this, which is why there is a promo code limit that forces a person to only be able to use 1 per day.